

#CES2022 - Virtually Amazing

#CES2022 – Virtually Amazing


The attendance at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show was about 40,000 people – a fraction of the crowd of 175,000 in 2019. But there were dazzling products and experiences offered and attendees were able to gain easier access to exhibitors.

I would have attended as a social media influencer under the umbrella of media, so I have access to media assets to…

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#OnThisDay in 1965, Vivian Malone becomes the first African American graduate of the University of Alabama. In 1963, Malone and John Hood became the first African Americans to enroll at the University of Alabama. On registration day, Governor George Wallace blocked the door—planning to prevent their entry and uphold his promise of “Segregation now, segregation today, segregation forever.” President John F. Kennedy issued Executive Order 11111, federalizing the National Guard to command Wallace step aside. Malone graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in business management.
