
[ID: A traditional, inked and colored drawing of Barry and Lup done entirely in warm pink tones. The

[ID: A traditional, inked and colored drawing of Barry and Lup done entirely in warm pink tones. They are sitting on an unmade bed. Barry, Lup, and the bed are all viewed in profile. There is a partially visible window to the right with open curtains, which illuminates the right side of the room and leaves the left side slightly darker. Barry is a chubby human man with short, messy hair, stubble, and top surgery scars. Lup is a slender elf with messily tied-up hair, freckles, and pierced ears. Lup is sitting on Barry’s lap, kissing him, with one hand on his chest. Barry has one hand around the small of Lup’s back, and the other behind him supporting his balance. Barry and Lup’s left legs both dangle off the side of the bed, but most of their right legs are not available to the viewer. Barry is shirtless, but wears blue jeans and socks. Lup wears a t-shirt, socks, and boxers with a heart print. End ID.]

A gift for @d3moneyes, created by @unreasonable-keysmash!

I hope that you like it! Happy Candlenights!

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