#unseen podcast


Not to be ruining the Atmosphere of Secrecy by saying this publicly, but: if you have any interest whatsoever in the upcoming podcast Unseen, or if you’re a fan of the team’s previous audio fiction works (Wolf 359, Time:Bombs, & Zero Hours), I would highly, highly recommend signing up for the newsletter over at their website. Every email they send just feels so good to read, guys. Like…come on in, the vibes are fine. It’s all magical and wonderful and exciting. Also, ars PARADOXICA fans, I feel obligated to mention that There Are Codes!


Unseen is a new audio fiction series from the minds behind @wolf39radio. Crowdfunding in 2020. 

Watch closely. 

unseendotshow: We hit 1000 followers on Twitter today, so we released a couple sneak peaks at one ofunseendotshow: We hit 1000 followers on Twitter today, so we released a couple sneak peaks at one of


We hit 1000 followers on Twitter today, so we released a couple sneak peaks at one of our scripts! 

If we get to… oh, let’s say, 120 followers here, we’ll drop another script snippet, and on Tumblr first. ; ) 

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