#until the unicorns puked



Oh My Lucifer | 06- All’s “Fair” In Love & War

♡Summary: In hopes of achieving a high mark in your final exam you’re willing to give up anything, including your soul. However, when your drunken joke of a ritual suddenly comes true, how do you even begin to explain your logic to the seven demon lords seated in front of you.

♡Genre: Demon Au/ Poly Au.

♡Pairing: OT7 x Female Reader

Word Count: 5.1k

♡TW for this chapter: Explicit Language,harsh stereotypes , racism against humans (I promise it makes sense), Jimin dressed in his filter suit (because yes, this does require a ‘TW’ for the faint of heart).Jimin and Yoongi being unknowingly being prejudice against humans, ignorance , angst, infantilization .

Also, special thanks to @sor-vette for letting me rant ideas and vent different concepts I probably wouldn’t have thought of this chapter without her!!

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“A hopeless romantic is someone who loves the idea of being in love." 

In all senses of the phrase, Yoongi is indeed a hopeless romantic. Often misconceived as being distant and unwelcoming, the man is anything but. Instead, in simplest terms, the million-year-old demon born from fire and isolation with the fate to punish the undesirable souls that wound up in hell is, in fact, a gummy smiling tender-hearted man who’s in love with being in love. A man who spends his free time perfectly peeling tangerines to share with his brothers; saving the last slice for Jungkook because the youngest is notorious for requesting seconds, and watching kitten videos because he genuinely can’t fathom how something so cute can have such an attitude, well that was prior to meeting you of course. After meeting you, he still spends his free time peeling tangerines, but now you get a claim on the last piece, and he still watches kitten videos, but his mind usually drifts from the small animals on the screen to you. 

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ohmygod, DIDNT EXPECT THAT COMING. AT. ALL. oh god im torn between two sides i get where the boys coming from but i also get oc’s feelings at the spur of the moment. god, now im going to anxiously waiting for the next chap, cant wait to see what’s others reaction abt this revelation and disappearance, can u PLS add me to the taglist??
