#us centrism



Americans keep making posts about how the Russian invasion of Ukraine is about the US or is affecting the US and it’s baffling.

This is NOT about you. Keep your mouth shut for once in your life, spread the info and donate if you can. That’s all you have to do. Stop trying to make everything about you and your country ffs

The tensions and wars between Ukraine and russia have been happening since before the US even existed, so yeah, just listen and learn.




Sincerely, what is wrong with people who think this is true. Who the hell are these mythical people. They aren’t my parents, that’s for damn sure!

Someday younger people will say this about you, every one of you “I’m sick of living through historical events” people. They’ll say you had it easy. They’ll say that none of things that happened to you was that bad, that nothing was really all that hard, and that you skated by. And you’ll try to say, “But what about X, Y and Z,” and they’ll tell you that you didn’t understand how good you had it. They’ll say that you should shut up and die already.

This is the stance of a person who conveniently forgot about a lot of history and also empathy.

they also forgot the part where vietnam happened

“crazy sex before HIV happened” ok so what do they think was happening in the 80s and 90s. less crazy sex? is that the sad decay of the world? or was it, perhaps, the deaths of millions, and these same allegedly privileged adults watching their friends and family die horribly?
