#use caution when doing this please



Many people often are very confused on how to start working with spirits, I always recommend a general servitor to start with.  This post is on what a servitor is and how to make one.  As always there is a short selection of books at the bottom which I have cited from that you can read for yourself on this subject.  

A Servitor is an astral entity that is consciously created by the power/authority of the magi using evocatory techniques.  Servitors are created for serving their creator with their intent or goal, there are also servitors that are found naturally and you do not have to “create” but this post will focus on work with created servitors.  
Servitors can be usefully deployed to perform a wide range of tasks or functions on the creators’ behalf.  Servitors can be created to work with one particular situation, event, intent. or alternatively servitors can be created which have a general provenance in one area, such as divination, healing, conjuring etc.  

How do I start?
A contract NEEDS to be made in order to create a servitor.  I created an example of a contract down at the bottoms of the post.
You give life into your servitor, but this also means you have to give them a personality, voice, and a list of what they can and cannot do.  (All of this should be in the contract.)  This also means the more complex that you make them the harder they are to create and control.  They will just fill in their personality from your unconscious intent and feelings if you do not create a personality, this could be bad and a good thing If you are worried about a certain attribute you are thinking about adding into the servitor, do not do it, until you are versed in working with servitors and banishing rites.
The contract needs to state when they will be created, who created them, for what intent are they made for, a timeframe needs to be made out for how long they will serve their creator, how they will feed, how will they be departed and destroyed, their name, their material base, and whatever else you feel like is important.
In my experience (and that of my peers), the more work that is given to a servitor, the more “powerful” it becomes and the more likely it is to become self-aware and “evolve”, into something greater and more powerful (see egregore).  
The “contract” is not just a “contract”; you need to bind the servitor into an object in order to give them life ei the contract.  If you bind them into the contract rather than a common object then you will have even more of a sway over the spirit, because the contract should state what they can and cannot due.  For example, when you feed you should put the contract with the sigil of them next to or near the object they will feed off of, when you want to destroy the servitor you should burn or destroy the contract.  
A shape of the servitor would be a good place to start when writing the contract as well because otherwise the servitor would just be a blob of energy and intent.

The servitor’s “sigil”
I use quotes around sigil, because in this section I will refer to the activation of said servitor after it is created.  The sigil is how you will active the servitor after its creation, it is how you will call it in need, it is how you make it do its task, it also gives you power over the servitor.  
Now when you create the contract, somewhere on that should be the sigil that is made from the servitors’ name.  There are many many ways to create sigils but it does need to be created by you so don’t bastardize a sigil from somewhere else it takes five minutes of you time at most.
Some say the best way to create a sigil is to draw it from your subconscious mind in a gnosis state because that is where all of your desires comes from.  

The name of a servitor
A name is important when creating a servitor, some servitors I have encountered do not like having a name, but a name is very important especially if something goes wrong with the servitor and they go haywire, because with a name they would be easier to banish and have control over.  For example, if you were in a group of people and you wanted to speak to this one and they were running away how could you get their attention?

Creating a servitor
The initial charge or “feeding” is the most important of the creation of the servitor, usually one does this in a meditative state whether it be a trance or gnosis or within your astral state is up to you, all one needs is complete focus on what you are creating and why.   The “initial charge” could be from anything that is a massive amount of energy that is direct at the conjuration of the servitor, this can be done in a multiple of ways with bodily fluids like; semen, blood, spite, and this can be done in many meditative states.  In many books you will see creation of servitors from sex magick or blood magick as both of those produce a lot of energy and can easily be controlled and focused.

Feeding a servitor
A servitor is a spirit, spirits are alive, so they must feed to stay alive.  This can be done in a variety of ways, but the way you feed your servitor should be in your contract otherwise it could potentially feed off of other energy and becoming self-aware (see egregore below)
A servitor can feed from essentially anything that has an energy if you (the creator of the servitor) have the knowledge to make it so.  You could even make it drain the energy from batteries if you put it in your contract and have the know-how.  

With a more generalized Servitor, anyone who knows its activation sequence (such as a mantra, sigil, or visualization sequence) can employ it to work at a given task.  Which means whoever does know whatever activates said servitor can use it against you.  Remember any decent magi needs a few well-kept secrets for their own safety.  
Planets going into and out of retrograde, as well as astrological events can cause problems with servitors, this can be best shown if a servitor was created for communication and mercury then goes into retrograde.  
Many people especially when they first get into working with servitors quickly becoming overwhelmed by them and make too many servitors, and cannot feed all of them or care for them.
Other people become too dependent on servitors for simple magickal acts and therefore cannot function without that servitor, and then when that crutch is eventually gone they cannot stand without them.  

Destroying the servitor
Now knowing what a servitor is I must ask, what will happen if a servitor dies?  When a servitor is destroyed or killed by their creator(s)’, energy is thrown out into area from the astral body and the contract or object (if the binding is done in a certain way).  Now, if recalled and destroyed correctly you should be able to reabsorb any of the energy collected by it plus the invested energy.  This is why many people just make a servitor and then destroy it in a week or two.

Servitor versus an egregore
A servitor is a simple spirit that is designed to do its task and nothing more, if a servitor is self-aware then it becomes what it known as an egregore.  This can be done upon creation on purpose, but most of the time this happens when you have a servitor for so long and it accidentally finds loopholes in the contract and uses them, thus becoming self-aware.  

Servitor vs “God Head”
“It is not unknown for powerful entities to survive the death of their creator. The more people that “create” such an entity also enhances its survival and capacity to store information. In these terms, it is easy to see how a small spirit may, given time and the energy input (directed through ritual and other techniques for directing energy) by enough people, could become what we commonly assume to be “gods”.” (Phil Hine aspects of evocation)  
Just as a fetish is a talisman that is created by many people a God-head is an entity created by many people

Example of a contract
This is a contract for the man made servitor Bob, created by the Magi _____ by the power of them in the hour of Saturn on the day (date)
Bob is a simple servitor; they are an extension of my will and are used as a foot hole into the other etheric realms.  (this would be the intent and why they are created)
Their sigil is (picture of sigil)
They will be bound into this contract and will be feed by quartz soaked in my blood on every full moon. The crystal will be placed on the sigil I have created on the contract.  (feeding example)
They will be destroyed when this is chanted and the contract is burned, until then they will remain an extension of my will and will serve me in that way.  
Bob looks like (a shape will help them in form otherwise they would just be a blob of energy)
At the end of the contract would be a good place to put anything extra like, if anyone who is not me tries to activate this servitor then the servitor will indeed go to them, but they will drain their energy instead of listening to them.

As always

