


For the Emotion Edition of @yourocsbackstory 

© Have them stuck in a police interrogation (guilty or not…), and make the detective desperate to find out who that person on the other side of the table is.

The interrogation idea just grabbed me :D never written a scene with police officers before. Introducing Wes for the backstory event that will shine light on his departure from family, choosing a different magic and causing the rift and enstragment with his brother. Why is this so much easier than writing the first chapter.

The interrogation room was small and closed up, reeking of sweat and smoke. The absence of sky in sight was making my skin itch, but how would I explain to the officer next to me that a dragon needs space, even if he is currently human? As far as he was concerned, Shifters weren’t supposed to take such mythical forms. As far as he knew, I wasn’t supposed to exist.

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