#uzui fluff



returning from a mission

featuring: rengoku, uzui, giyuu, & shinobu

genre: fluff

warnings: none


rengoku loves to take care of you. he surprises you with little gifts or pretty leaves he finds on the ground. even when he’s on missions for a while, he sends you letters about how he’s doing and how much he misses you.

when he gets home he picks you up and he never lets you go for hours. he follows you around like a puppy and asks you constant questions until you finally tell him to be quiet, which makes him sad (judging from the expression on his face), so you do everything you can to make him feel better.

now that it’s dinner time, you make him his favorite food because he’s finally home. he watches you from afar as you cook for him. once dinner is almost done, he comes from behind you to wrap his arms around you.

once dinner is done, you both sit on the couch to watch his favorite show, with you sitting across his lap (because that’s what he wanted) with his arms wrapped around your waist. once you’re done eating, you turn around to face him and you feed him because he doesn’t want to let go of you.

now that’s it’s time for bed, you lay down together and you wrap your legs around his and your head is planted on his chest. you both fall asleep with his fingers wrapped around your hair.


After a mission, Uzui comes in and kisses all of his wives after a long day. he’s extremely tired but he never lets that affect the amount of affection he shows to all four of you.

you all start dinner, as uzui is laying in bed, with only his shorts on. once dinner is done, you deliver his food to his room and usually he allows you to sit on his lap as he’s eating and you’re hoping he will tonight too.

you place the food on his bed and slowly walk towards the door until he calls out your name, stopping you before you reach the door.

“close the door and come sit with me.”

you let out a deep breath and you close the door. you walk towards the bed and you crawl in between his legs to sit with him. he places his head on your shoulder and wraps his arms around your waist so he can reach the food. you close your eyes and he starts eating.

he chuckles and kisses you on your forehead. you lift your hand and you place it on his cheek.


It took forever for giyuu to open up to you and it took even longer for him to finally ask you out but ever since he asked you out, he hasn’t been back from his mission.

you finally see his crow flying past your window and a you hear a knock on your door. you run downstairs and open the door. giyuu is standing there in front of you, holding his side and he leans down on your shoulder.

“i need help.”

you look down towards his hand and it’s blood leaking from his side. you gasp and push his back up.

“go to the doctor or something!”

he chuckles and walks into your house and lays down on the couch. you groan and close the door. you walk towards the sink and put a bucket under the faucet. you pull the bucket from the sink and grab a dry towel.

you sit beside him, kneeling on the floor and you open his shirt. you place the towel into the water then onto his stomach. he places his hand on your head and he starts to stroke your hair back and forth.

you look up towards his face and he’s smiling down at you while playing with your hair.

“don’t smile at me.” you mutter while rolling your eyes.


shinobu bursts through your door, tosses her clothes onto the floor and plops onto the bed without saying a word.

she bursts up while gasping for air, and also scaring you. she looks towards you and smiles.

“there’s my favorite girl.” she says smiling.

you sit there in shock and then you finally smile towards her. she crawls in between your legs and snuggles up on your stomach.

you place your hand on her hair and you stroke her hair. she sighs and groans.

“i missed you.” she mutters.

you smile and you lean your head back. she crawls up towards your face and puts a kiss onto your forehead. she wraps her arms around your waist and pulls you in closer as she cuddles you. you push your head into her shoulders and you two stay like this for what feels like forever.

you both finally get up and she runs a bath for herself and you go into the kitchen to start dinner. before she starts dinner she comes into the kitchen to watch you cook dinner. she wraps her arms around your waist and she watches you cook her favorite food.

this is so cute
