#v bloodline



The headmistress had always relied on other people to live. From her own motherly figure to her husband, and now her daughter. Cordelia was sure that Madison had seen her as someone weak for years, the girl herself having many more powers than her.

        But now she was b l i n d.

She had never seen herself as someone so weak. Even when she was deep down inside her depressive life, even if she had thought she had already hit rock bottom, this had only made it worse. She could hear her mother muttering about how useless she was sometimes, whenever the woman thought that no one could hear her even if she hadn’t closed the door completely. And now that Cordelia didn’t see, she was sure her hearing had heightened. And she did no need to see to know what people thought about her whenever they saw her. Not even her glasses could protect her from truth, and she knew that it didn’t take much for people to notice the scars around the area of her eyes, or the shaky way she held her cane. She was sure that no matter how hard she tried, she’d always be a burden to the coven— and to her daughter.

“Okay.” she sighed as they walked to her bedroom, already knowing that Hank and Fiona waited for them there— if they hadn’t killed each other yet. She was sure they had crossed the door now, and quickly she heard sheets moving and her daughter helping her sit in a chair. “Th—” she was going to start thanking her husband, only to be interrupted by her mother. “Why are there roses in here?”

Well, thought you might enjoy them—

“Roses pull in love and romance. That’s not what I’m looking for right now. I need crisantemo, all kinds of them, for strenght and protection.” the headmistress stated. She was in her bedroom, for God’s sake, she did not need anyone to clean for her and mess around it just because she couldn’t see. She turned her face to the girl and squeezed her hand softly. “Just wait a second, sweetheart.” she told with the kindest of tones before letting out a sigh and removing the glasses. “Leave them in the boudoir, please.” she asked. Right now she needed to be with her daughter most of the time, since she did not even trust nor Fiona nor Myrtle nor Hank. She still hadn’t been able to forget the short vision she had had when he had grabbed her hand in the hospital.

Beneath the sadness that overwhelmed her each time she looked at her mother, there was a rage that was constant. It brought all sorts of nasty thoughts to her mind—most likely ones that would have lied with Fiona. But perhaps like the magical abilities, bitchiness had skipped a generation as well. Madison had never been one to resort to violence, but she was quick to attack with her tongue. If there was one thing the potion maker had always taught her it was to stand her ground.

Someone had deliberately sought her mother out and attacked her in the bathroom of a bar. Found a woman who hardly ever left the house, nor was a bother to anyone. 

Madison wanted to k i l l the person responsible.

As she kept contact with her mother’s hand, weary eyes glanced up to find her father’s staring directly back. They had never had a good relationship to begin with and the at that took place in the hospital was reassurance enough that he was scum. No, the teenager did not know what exactly had happened, but she could take a very good guess as to what the blind witch had witnessed. 

Hank had always been a self-absorbed man who came and went as he pleased. He never had a kind word for the work his wife did for the Coven, nor his own child for that matter. Madison was embarrassed to be biologically related to him and she didn’t keep that a secret from anyone. He had hurt her mother, just like someone else had and the blonde would be more than happy to take out her frustrations on him until they caught the person responsible. 

A smile formed against her lips as her mother’s attitude changed completely when she turned to speak to her. Cordelia had never once allowed her child to see her in pain, nor fighting with her husband and for that Madison loved her even more but couldn’t help but roll her eyes. Fingers took hold of the sunglasses placed in her hand and she folded them neatly, resting them on the in table near the door. 

“I think you all should go.” Madison suggested aloud, more so towards the man still standing before her. 

The older blonde who had been observing the scenario play out in the corner, sighed and trotted across the room to her child. “I’ll go make some tea.” And with that not only her body exited the room but the smoke cloud that followed.

Madison, now is not the time. You can’t take care of her yourself.” Hank raised his voice out of frustration towards his daughter.  “I think you should leave me and your mother for a bit so we can talk.”

“There is no way in hell I am leaving. Fuck you.” She muttered as she down on the chair’s armrest and continued to hold her mother’s hand.

Cordelia… please.

Fingers gripped lightly around the arm as the two women ascended up the unnecessary grand staircase. The only sound coming from the collapsable cane hitting against the hardwood. As much pain as she was feeling on the inside, it was nothing compared to what her mother was feeling.  


        Her p r o t e c t or.

                Her sense of security in the cruel world.

The loving and intelligent woman that would always give before taking. Who loved every human being and always found their positive attributes. Whom had never harmed anyone a day in her life, not even had spanked her own child.  Her mother had been burned with chemical acid. The beautiful eyes that never missed anything had been unsalvageable. The soft, glowing porcelain skin now covered in scar damage. Even the oversized black sunglasses could not cover the beast that had attacked the beauty.

“One more step,” Her words spoken softly as they made it to the second level of the house, finding the door to Cordelia’s bedroom already open. With an arched eyebrow and confusion filling her body, she escorted the headmistress inside to find her grandmother turning down the bed and her father in the corner of the room looking through his wife’s belongings. Swallowing the lump that created in her throat, she continued to hold her mother’s hand until she was seated in a chair near the window.

You look wonderful, Cordelia.” The words escaped Hank’s mouth in a nonchalant manner.

Of course she does, she isn’t going to to let this thing stop her. She’s a fighter.” Fiona chimed in as she continued to clean up the room. “Delia, I put fresh sheets on the bed to get rid of that god awful smell that was on them.” Her heels clicked against the floor as she moved to the other side of the room, stopping when she neared the man, “Oh, it was your cologne? Looks like you need to invest in something else.

In a room full of three grown adults, Madison felt like the most mature there and it drove her absolutely insane that even in her mother’s time of need, nobody could seem to get their act together. “

Let’s take off your glasses, okay?” She whispered the suggestion while rubbing the back of the shaking hand.
