#vaccine mandate


I’m definitely against legal abortion but I ain’t got shit for this Supreme Court. These same ‘pro-life’ boneheads granted 'bodily autonomy’ for anti-vaxxers, remember?

Even if this decision is overturned and Thanos came and fingersnapped away the states that legalized abortion on their own, so what? Great, so if you’re pre-born, you’re safe, but these same fucknards who are all about saving life before birth are happy to allow all kinds of fourth trimester (aka the rest of your life) abortions. They’ll shrug when some crazed gunman mows down a school full of ex-fetuses or cheer when cops shoot an unarmed black former fetus. And don’t even talk to them about how this capitalist system fundamentally and economically penalizes motherhood, these “pro-life” dirtbags actually like that side effect. They want women back in the home serving them. They don’t stop to think that this dystopian religio-fascist tradcon worldview of women is exactlywhat makes abortion so fucking popular.

Anyone who really feels overturning Roe vs Wade is about saving lives isn’t going to be rubbing their hands with glee about this hypocrisy that’s unfolding. No, they’re going to be looking at the “pro-lifers” of today and they’re going to cringe at the same cold, evil heartlessness and callous disregard for life (“Blue Lives Matter” goons I’m also talking about you) that pro-choicers showed back in the 1990s when this debate first spiraled out of control.

Anyone who really cares about life would have been a Democrat. They would have seen that ending police brutality, a social safety net and free contraception was also a pro-life solution. They would be all for mandatory vaccinations and mask mandates to arrest the spread of a pandemic that has killed 1 million Americans. Because, well, those are all just as pro-life as stopping abortions.

If the SCOTUS does gut Roe this fight has only finished Chapter 1 of a very long novel. And that chapter will have finished on a very hypocritical and disgraceful note.
