
ladymeowsith: Here’s some really old fire emblem echoes sketches! I think i drew most of these like ladymeowsith: Here’s some really old fire emblem echoes sketches! I think i drew most of these like ladymeowsith: Here’s some really old fire emblem echoes sketches! I think i drew most of these like ladymeowsith: Here’s some really old fire emblem echoes sketches! I think i drew most of these like ladymeowsith: Here’s some really old fire emblem echoes sketches! I think i drew most of these like


Here’s some really old fire emblem echoes sketches! I think i drew most of these like the week the game came out? Yeah old stuff

That Lukas one was supposed to be a redraw of the iconic scene where he roasts Fernand but i never finished the rest orz

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A drawing of Valbar’s arrival in hopes for a good summoning session tmr

I’m sorry Kamui. I wish you could have been included :’) he deserves to be with his comrades

(and no- I absolutely wasn’t lazy drawing Valbar’s helmet-) *coughs*

twitter fanart roundup! fire emblem echoes, overwatch, mario odyssey. twitter fanart roundup! fire emblem echoes, overwatch, mario odyssey. twitter fanart roundup! fire emblem echoes, overwatch, mario odyssey. 

twitter fanart roundup! fire emblem echoes, overwatch, mario odyssey. 

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