


  • A/N: My contribution to Day 4, Fantasy AU of the “Different Universe Same Love Content Creation Challenge” hosted by @xxsycamoreand@queengiuliettafirstlady
  • Gilbert von Obsidian x f!Reader
  • German translations: Graf -Count, Liebes -Sweetheart, Zauberin -sorceress
  • Word Count: 4k
  • Angst, Romance, and yes there’s some biting ‍♂️

Children are taught to fear the dark. It can hide monsters and shelter demons. It is the place where nightmares lurk. The place were they lurk and hunt and kill. The villagers have always taught the children of Obsidian to sleep with garlic by their bedsides, a cross around their necks, a light burning at all times. They warn them to never leave their homes once the sun has set and to never, ever set foot in the woods alone.

Vampire. The name is whispered in hushed voices, hoarse with fear. Old men have claimed to fight them. Old women have claimed they were seduced by them. Every family member knows someone who has been taken, never to be seen again. They disappear into the fog at the edge of the woods, blending into the shadows before being swallowed whole. 

Vampire is whispered but one name is never spoken. Graf Gilbert von Obsidian. To speak his very name might be to summon him for they say he hears it on the whisper of the wind. The night speaks to him and the moon cradles him, telling him all the secrets he desires. He is the stuff of legend, a figure wrapped in mythos and wonder and more than anything, fear. 

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