#van diemans ink

So there’s a story here…@laissezferre and I resumed our snail mail Christmas card exchange la

So there’s a story here…

@laissezferre and I resumed our snail mail Christmas card exchange last year, and I thought I’d continue the theme of (1) guys Hana likes, (2) seasonally inappropriate cards, and (3) really bad puns, and drew her Jared Harris as Hari Seldon from the Foundation TV series. — Just so I could write “HARI CHRISTMAS!” inside the card, because I’m horrible.

I sent out the card on the 25th of November 2021.

It did not arrive before Christmas. In fact, it utterly failed to arrive anytime in 2021. January came and went, and laissezferre’s card to me arrived; and then February came, and I was beginning to think that post goblins had eaten the damn thing, when I was informed that it had finally landed. On the 24th of February 2022.

Oh well, better late than never, right? I’m just relieved it even arrived at all. XD Though maybe I should start sending my Christmas cards out in August this year….

Fountain pen ink (Van Dieman’s Bioluminescence) and bleach on Daler Rowney smooth heavyweight paper (135lb). A6 size.

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