#vanitas no carte

lauruus:It’s all right. Look out for me, and I will do the same for you two. Now, let’s take up oulauruus:It’s all right. Look out for me, and I will do the same for you two. Now, let’s take up oulauruus:It’s all right. Look out for me, and I will do the same for you two. Now, let’s take up oulauruus:It’s all right. Look out for me, and I will do the same for you two. Now, let’s take up oulauruus:It’s all right. Look out for me, and I will do the same for you two. Now, let’s take up oulauruus:It’s all right. Look out for me, and I will do the same for you two. Now, let’s take up oulauruus:It’s all right. Look out for me, and I will do the same for you two. Now, let’s take up oulauruus:It’s all right. Look out for me, and I will do the same for you two. Now, let’s take up ou



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French people aren’t real Jun Mochizuki made them up

Oh hey also while I’m talking about names in VnC that may or may not be references, here’s some fun facts for you:

The final king of France, famous for his execution via guillotine, was named King Louis XVI! And! The first person executed for royalism at the start of the French Reign of Terror, another quite famous beheading, was a man named Louis Collenot d’Angremont :D.

So since my very first read of VnC, one thing has been haunting me, and that’s the dhampirs’ names.

Lots of VnC characters’ names are references, and with every character but the dhams, it’s immediately obvious why the references are there. Veronica de Sade is a sadist. Doctor Moreau is a mad scientist. Jean Chastel was a real-world hunter that claimed to shoot the beast of Gévaudan. None of this is exactly subtle.

And then we have the dhams.

The dhampirs’ names are all references to Dante’s divine comedy. Dante is the author and narrator, Riche is short for Beatrice—Dante’s guide through Paradise, and Johann was the name of Dante Alighieri’s first publisher. But what do the dhampirs have to do with the story of a poet being given a tour of heaven and hell?

For ages I’ve been assuming that we’d have to wait for some future event to make the Divine Comedy reference relevant, but today an alternate explanation finally hit me, and now I’m wondering if Mochijun might be playing on the idea of guides. Because Dante is the closest the closest thing Vanitas and Noé have to a guide through this world of curse bearers that they work in.

The Divine Comedy is famous because it’s the poem that brought structure to the afterlife. It’s the origin of the levels of hell that are referenced so often in pop culture. It is, especially in Inferno, a work that brings order to chaos. It’s also a work that centers around the idea of guides, with three different guide figures appearing at different points to guide Dante on his journey through the afterlife.

Dante might not be a literal guide, but he is, in a very real way, shaping the direction of Vanitas’s revenge quest, because he’s his information broker. He’s the one that tells him about the beast of Gévaudan, about where to find the nine-fold murderer, and about the Chasseurs’ connection to the vampire abductions. Curse bearers are an inherently hard to track phenomenon, with Naenia seemingly popping up at random all over both worlds, but Dante’s always there to tell Vanitas where to go.

The dhams, with Dante at the head, are Vanitas and Noé’s very own trio of guides, just like in the poem about a trio of guides that their names come from.

You think Noé’s ever stopped to wonder why on earth his teacher was at a place where they were auctioning children in the first place?

Y'know, if Noé continues down the path of becoming adversarial to teacher, it’s quite possible that teacher and/or the rest of the de Sades might decide to cut him off. We know he has money in the bank from the de Sades, and some access to vampire high society through Dominique, but I wonder how easy it would be for him to be cut off from all that.

I also wonder, if the de Sades found out that Noé has turned against their father/grandfather, whether they might try to cut him off from Dominique. I can totally see a future where Domi is forced to choose between supporting Noé vs teacher or staying with her family, and though that should be an easy choice, abuse does funny things to people, and I’m curious how hard it might be for her to leave.

Or alternatively, there’s also the incredibly creepy option where none of this happens. If Noé fully turns against teacher, and teacher doesn’t cut him off, how long do you think it’d take Noé to notice that that’s wrong?

It feels totally in-character to me for teacher to continue supporting Noé financially even as he fights to stop him, since he seems to view Noé much more as an amusement than a serious threat, and there’s something rather unnerving about that.

A panel of Vanitas from the Vanitas no Carte manga. He's hunched forward with a wide stance, wrapping his arms around himself and staring forward with an unsettling grin. The stylized image of the Vampire of the Blue Moon, a dark cloaked figure with a warped grin and massive claws, looms behind him. The panel is covered in blood splatter effects, and a large blue moon shines behind Vanitas and the Vampire of the Blue Moon's heads. Vanitas speaks, saying "And as one from whom that vampire once drank, my body has been invested with a portion of his power. I belong to the clan of the blue moon!"
Panels from Vanitas no Carte in which Vanitas begins to pull off his left glove, with fire-like magic effects around him. He wears a sinister smile as he says, "Hellfire Witch. Allow me to show you my "true form"! Jeanne reacts to him with a shudder, and Dante, watching from the sidelines with Johann and Riche, says "His true... form!?"

So I was rereading chapter 4, and uh, this little lie of Vanitas’s gets a lotmore uncomfortable given the new info we got in 55.5.

Panels from the Vanitas no Carte manga in which Misha speaks about the books of Vanitas. Over an image of the two books, he says "When we use those books, it gradually changes into something inhuman. They rewrite our very beings." Noé reacts with shock, and Misha continues, now shown over the image of him the night before, transformed into a monster by shadows from his Book. "You saw me yesterday, right!? It'll be just like that. You'll become something that's not you. I'm the only one who'll understand that pain."

It’s so interesting to me how there’s certain things that Vanitas is quite sensitive about and does not want to discuss, unless he can turn that discussion into theater and weaponize it against those around him.

Like, the most obvious example of this is his speech at the bal masqué, but he’s totally doing the same thing here. He parades his desire for revenge as part of his introduction speech to the vampires, then lies about not really wanting revenge when Noé asks him about it in the morning, because the truth is his vengeance is a sensitive subject.

Here, meanwhile, he’s weaponizing the fact that nobody else knows what it means to be the kin of the blue moon. We know that the loss of his humanity is an incrediblyvulnerable thing for Vanitas, and something that he avoids bringing up to anyone for as long as possible, and yet here he is referencing that very idea. He can’t admit that he really is being made into something inhuman by his use of the book, but he can lie about having a powerful, presumably inhuman “true form” due to his kinship with Luna, because that’s what will win him this fight. He just has to turn up the false theatricality to eleven in order to say it.

What he says here is really quite close to the sensitive truth, but he’s fine, because it’s all part of the act.

I just realized that the melody of If You Want to Save Her (the soundtrack to the big vanoé fight) is actually a remixed version of The Destiny Waltz (the soundtrack to when Vanitas and Noé first meet).

So in other news, I’m suing Yuki Kajiura for emotional damages


“Mr. Knight,

I beg you…

Please save my little sister…

I don’t care what I will become…

I am the bad one.


was my fault…”


“One day, when I’m longer here…

It would be nice if there is someone who can cuddle you like this…

No, there will definitely be someone…

As long as you don’t shut your heart away…

If you do so, then you won’t be lonely even if you are alone.

The you who is weak to cold…

Will definitely meet someone who can give you warmth…

Just like how I was here for you…”


We got tricked girls!!

The chapter was so sweet holy shit!!!


Let’s live on together, Chloe.


It’s already over, Astolfo.

Let’s go home together.


Noe’s arm is fine also!

It hurts but he is gonna be fine lol.


*throws brick at your dumbass bisexual face*

Note taped to brick: Immediately drop whatever the fuck you’re doing. Open Hulu. Go watch The Case Study of Vanitas. Treat yourself.

@miraclesabound that’s the beautiful thing about bisexual media presented with the full spectrum of bisexuality, it’s got m/f too.

You’re het which means you’re half-bi which means yes you can (and are fully encouraged) to enjoy this. Now go, treat yourself.

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