#vaquero vasto


Mas y Manos - Kal, age 20 and 30

Kal was always big but not always in the exact same way. Some thoughts.

The Fox Den is a male strip joint in central Los Templos. He only worked there for a little while, but he did alright. People still call him “Big Kal” around town. Heck, he’s been called that since he was a kid anyway, though with different connotation. Mechipino, though, no one calls him that anymore haha. He probably prefers it that way.

Mechipino is his play on mechicano and pilipino tho there was also undoubtedly the occasional pepino/cucumber joke thrown in here and there. Definitely a first pass stage name.

I just like thinking that he went to an underground fight in his twenties, saw men with big muscles duking it out, and he, feeling frustrated with his life and seeing a possible outlet, said, “me too, please, I want to be big and fight.”

“You’re already big, Kal.”

“I want to be built like a fridge then.”
