#varnie babbles


I have once again been subject to technical difficulties, aka my school’s system being wack-, so I have the rest of the month off I guess. At least I can draw and spend more time figuring out my content. :/


Stream will be a bit late today. Had to run some errands and didn’t realize how close it was to start.

So I guess I won’t be streaming at all today. I really crashed when I got home I’ll start an hour early tomorrow to make up for it.

Stream will be a bit late today. Had to run some errands and didn’t realize how close it was to start.

Stream Update

I hate to cancel so close to stream but I have Exams on Monday and I am a little behind on studying and schoolwork. Honestly might not stream next Tuesday either but we’ll see. Anyway, to make up for the skipped streams, next week will be entirely game days.

So, I hate to say it, but I’m really not feelin it today guys I’ll have to push Game Day back to Tuesday because I just… can’t today.

So I’m actually not going to stream today. I’ve had a pretty harrowing week so I’m going to take a break today. I’ll still post stuff on Kofi today though so be on the lookout for that
