#vasilii vasil’evich mansurov


Vasilii Vasil’evich Mansurov was born in December 1901 in the village of Kukarka, Ianskii uezd, Viatskaia Gubernia into the family of a Russian baker. He completed an rural elementary school and from 1915-1917 the boy worked at a private shop in the village of Kukarka. From 1917-1918, Mansurov was an unskilled laborer in a private enterprise. From 1918-1919, he was assistant machinist/smith in repair shops.

He served in the Red Army and was an active participant in the Civil War. After demobilization Mansurov worked in the city of Sovetsk as an instructor of the Komsomol from 1923-1924. He then went to work as the executive secretary of the Sovetskii Volkom of the Komsomol and then a propagandist in the Sovetskii Party Volkom from 1924-1928. It was at this time (1927) that he joined the party. Mansurov worked as the chairman of the board of the credit partnership from 1928-1930. Then he became the head of propaganda department of the Sovetskiidistrict party committee from 1930-1931. Then Mansurov moved to the village of Kiknur whereupon he took up the post of head of the agitmass department of the Kiknurskii raikom in 1931. He then became the responsible editor of the district newspaper, a post he held from 1931-1934. From 1934-1937, Mansurov worked as the chairman of the RIK. He was removed from that post by the obkom (likely as a result of accusations of mismanagement and supporting Kulaks). Mansurov was transferred back to Sovetsk where he worked as the director of the trade department from 1937-1938. He was then head of the city soviet’s housing department in 1938. He worked as a teacher at the regional school for collective farm personnel from 1938-1939. And then he was the deputy and later executive editor of the district newspaper “The Way of Ilyich” from 1939-1942. Vasilii Mansurov was then drafted into the army and was sent to the front. He was killed in battle on Febuary 19, 1942.

Politicheskie Lidery, p 312.
