



notes: I had tons of fun writing this fic for you! It was a blast and I hope you enjoy!

    Sawamura wasn’t stupid. Of course, he was a little more dense than most and didn’t always catch inside jokes right away but… he knew when there was… tension in the air. Or possibly a so called ‘elephant in the room’ if he wanted to speak that way. Whenever the team practiced (never at games), there always seemed to be one but Sawamura could never put his finger on where it came from. He had his suspicions of a few players, but to confirm them, he would need to consult someone else.

    “Hey, Miyuki!” Sawamura called out, seeing the familiar catcher walking to class one day. Miyuki was eating a granola bar when he heard the exuberant pitcher behind him. Rolling his eyes, he turned.

    “What could you possibly want this early, Baka~mura!” the catcher groaned, dropping his shoulders.

    “I had a question,” Sawamura said, mumbling the last few words as he got closer to his teammate. “But if I’m wrong, you can’t say anything because I’ll get killed!” Sawamura furrowed his brows, wanting reassurance.

    “Yeah, whatever, I really don’t care. What is it?” the catcher waved his hand in slight disinterest, wanting to get to class early just so he could fall asleep. All the late nights Katoaka made him catch during was surely taking a toll on him.

    Sawamura gulped, trying to find the proper words. If he says anything he says wrong, it will be twisted and changed with the catcher’s mischievous mind. “I-Is…Kuramochi…gay?”

    His suspicions did hold substantial evidence behind them. The pitcher, who was on the mound many times for situation practice, noticed the way that his fellow shortstop and second baseman acted. Their actions, though consistent and good, never held the same amount of imph behind them. It was as if something different was on their minds everyday. One practice Kuramochi would be loud and inviting as he could be, teasing his upperclassman partner, but then another day he’d be quiet and focused only on receiving the ball.

    Sawamura picked up on the behavior and started to focus more on it for about week. Noticing the way Kuramochi would stare at Ryou-san during dinner when they weren’t conversing or how he always was around him. It was more than being partners on the field, more personal than that and the usual dense pitcher picked up on it. He even saw how the shortstop stuttered every once in awhile when Ryou-san asked him a complex question. It was the little things that truly counted.

    Miyuki stared blankly at the pitcher before breaking into a laugh, holding his stomach. “Took you this long to figure it out? You’re pitiful, Sawamura!” The catcher continued to laugh as Sawamura clenched his fists and cheeks grew a bright shade of pink. “He’s more bisexual than gay, Sawamura. Everyone knows about it so no one bothers talking about it. But still don’t mention it around him, he’s defensive about it.”

    Sawamura sighed in relief but then another question rose. “Wait, then is Ryou-san, too?”

    “Dunno! But you really are dense, aren’t you!” Miyuki teased, finally walking away. Kuramochi would love to hear about this, Miyuki was well aware. He left Sawamura standing in the middle of the sidewalk to thumb about the things he had just “uncovered.”

    Walking through the large school of Seidou, he continued to snicker. Miyuki knew all about his friend and the troubles he had with Ryousuke and felt a sense of relief that someone else had finally picked up on it.
    “I just had a very interesting conversation with our future ace,” Miyuki stated, walking into class a few minutes earlier than usual. The shortstop who sat in front of the catcher ears perked and he turned around so he was facing his friend.

    “Yeah? And that was?”

    “He caught on to your little secret, Youchi,” Miyuki taunted with a grin. The shortstops reaction to his words were beyond priceless, causing him to grin.

    “You’re kidding right? How do you know?” the shortstop demanded, leaning forward.

    “Right when I was walking into school he asked about you.”

    “And what did you tell him?” Kuramochi asked again eagerly.

    “The truth. That you’re bisexual and that everyone knows and doesn’t care.”

    “But that’s not the truth.”

    “So? It’s the only thing I could’ve said without him blabbing to someone else about. This way he won’t blab. Your secret is safe with me,” Miyuki reassured before adding, “and the dumbass.”

    “It better be, Kazuya or I’m gonna kill you. And him,” the shortstop replied before turning back around for the start of class. But the second year’s mind was not able to focus on today’s lesson (hyperbolas? Like he’d ever figure that one out anyway) at all. His mind wandered to where Sawamura was sitting in class, imagining all the possible things he could be telling about his senpai. If any rumors started in their school, he swore he was going to— he stopped himself from thinking too darkly.

    His attraction to Ryou-san started early in his second year. While not joining the first string right away, the fellow second baseman often gave him pointers (not in the politest way, of course). Kuramochi began to admire Ryousuke and started copying everything he did. Eventually he joined the first string team and was thrown into situations, quickly becoming close to his partner on the field. The two shared many inside jokes and confided in each other with a lot of things, giving Kuramochi comfort. They were comfortable together. Kuramochi tried to always keep his feelings for Ryousuke a secret from the team and Ryousuke himself in order to keep things on the field less complicated. But trying to remain only teammates proved to be a little difficult. Even for him.

    Now that the first year fool, Sawamura, knew about his crush on Ryousuke-senpai, things were definitely going to get more complicated.

    It gave him a headache.


    The next day during practice, Kuramochi did everything in his power to avoid Ryousuke in a… non-teammate sense. He strictly focused on throwing and catching the ball along with hitting it without unnecessary confrontation. Still, even with the focus, he messed up receiving the ball countless times that he wouldn’t have been surprised if Katoaka pulled him out of situations.

    Kuramochi’s actions immensely pissed Ryousuke off. The two have been partners on the field for quite some time and now all of a sudden he was acting closed off? On what possible grounds? Keeping his composure, he continued the long day of practice. He said a few words to Jun and Yu about hitting and afterwards, he walked straight up to the shortstop.

    “What the hell’s with you? You sucked at practice today. Cat got your tongue?” Ryousuke teased with a grin. Kuramochi continued stacking the buckets full of baseball and packing his own bag. Annoyed, Ryou kicked the bag, disrupting the shortstops course of action.

    “What do you want?” Kuramochi asked with an aggressive tone that surprised the upperclassman.

    “Jeez, getting enough sleep there? No need to be so snappy.”

    “I’m just,” Kuramochi sighed, “I’m just tired, Ryou-san. I’m going to my room now. See ya tomorrow,” Kuramochi said, deadpan. He waved a low goodbye before slugging his bag over his shoulder. But then, without thinking, Ryousuke grabbed the younger boys wrist. The sudden touch made Kuramochi’s heart skip.

    “Don’t you wanna hit more? Me and Harucchi might-”

    “I’m good. Goodnight,” Kuramochi said once again, jerking his hand free from his partners grasp. Ryousuke watched as the young teammate walked towards the familiar dorms, back turned and closed off. Something like this had not happened in quite awhile. Ryousuke wracked his brain for what could possibly be up with his fielding partner and felt saddened that whatever it was, Kuramochi didn’t deem him acceptable to talk about it with.

    Arriving back to his dorm room, Kuramochi dropped his things and face planted onto the floor. He groaned into the stained carpet and kicked his legs on the floor like a two year old. He did not realize the first year pitcher also sat quietly on his bed reading manga. Not until said first year coughed.

    “Baka! What are you doing here!” he screamed, sitting upwards.

    “Uh… reading? Miyuki-senpai refused to catch and said I shouldn’t overwork anyway.” Kuramochi groaned in frustration and stared downwards at his hands.

    “Is something wrong?” Sawamura asked smoothly. The shortstop was silent for a few moments that Sawamura was going to give up asking and return to his book until the shortstop spoke up.

    “Miyuki told me that you-”

    “That bastard senpai! He said he wouldn’t-”

    “Whatever, it doesn’t matter. God, I can’t believe I’m talking about this to you,” Kuramochi said to himself. Was he really going to open up to this underclassmen that couldn’t even understand basic algebra? Yeah…he was.

     “I think I’m really into…” his breathing hitched, “…Ryou-san.” He mumbled the last few words but Sawamura still was able to understand.

    “Why do you say that?” Sawamura asked, almost on instinct. In all honesty, he didn’t really hear what his roommate said.

    “I dunno. I mean— I guess whenever– ugh, I don’t know how to explain it. I guess sometimes when I’m around him I’m able to play fine but other times I just can’t. It’s weird,” Kuramochi explained to the pitcher who was more interested in his manga than his roommate. “Oy! Are you listening!”

    Sawamura spazzed and stared blankly at Kuramochi. “Y-Yes!” he stuttered. “Have you ever tried talking to Ryou-san about it?”

    “What? Of course not. He’d think I was dumb and then call me dumb, too. You don’t understand how he is,” Kuramochi said with a saddened expression. Which was the truth. He knew the second baseman better than anybody (maybe even his brother) and Ryousuke was not the type of person to calmly accept another’s feelings and then go about the year like it never happened. He’d never let him live it down, teasing him forever and ever.

    Unless he felt the same way– No. That was impossible. Not in a million years.

    “Just saying, Kuramochi-senpai. You don’t know anything until you ask!” Sawamura exclaimed before immersing himself back into his manga. God, Kuramochi hated Sawamura for this exact reason. The pitcher was capable of giving great advice but only in rare circumstances. Like a light switch only being turned on once a week to save energy.

    “Whatever, Baka~mura. Go to sleep. We have early practice tomorrow starting at nine.” The younger boy groaned and threw his manga onto the ground. Kuramochi took the liberty of shutting the lights off and leaving the door unlocked for when Masuoko would return from his extra batting practice.

    His bed comforted his weight as he lay there, swimming in his own cloud of misery. His hands clung to a pillow, longing it to be the second baseman he loved but never to admit it. What could he possibly do or say to the third year that he wouldn’t be teased for? He lied there for minutes trying to think of something but eventually, he drifted off to sleep.

    Why was baseball so complicated?


    In annoyance, the third year swung his bat furiously. He imagined every emotion he had as the baseball and swung with all his might but because of his anger, he was sloppy.

    “Kominato! You’re done for the day! Go shower and get to bed!” the teams coach instructed. Not obliging right away, the batter stood there staring at his fingers that were wrapped tightly around the bat. Was he really doing that poorly just because of some teammate issues? He wasn’t a child on a little league team. He played for Seidou and this was not how a high school baseball player played. Ashamed, he ignored his brothers calls and walked back to his dorm, bat in hand. His teammates started at him as he walked in surprise as Ryousuke never gets scolded by the coach.

    This is all because of that damn bastard Youchi, the second baseman thought to himself. He clenched his fists several times over in annoyance. If only the shortstop hadn’t acted so weird only an hour ago would he be hitting much better. What did he do wrong? Did he tease him too much? Throw a ball obnoxiously? Kuramochi wasn’t that soft that he’d be annoyed by such a thing. But being treated like nothing was what was truly frustrating. But where was all of this frustration coming from? They were only teammates and one of them was just having a rough day, so why should Ryousuke care?

    But they weren’t only teammates and Ryousuke was well aware of that fact. In his head, he denied how he felt for the shortstop. Like a brick wall built up in his brain that filtered those thoughts from entering the main portion of his brain. The reason Kuramochi’s actions and attitude irked him so much was because they were much closer than most teammates and he was worried for him. Kuramochi’s actions were too out of place, and he hated it. Ryousuke knew nothing would come of it by worrying about it so late at night. He decided he’d hold off until the morning because who knows, maybe it was just a fluke thing of Youchi? Jumping into the shower, he washed off all the dirt and sweat from his body, ignoring the pain in his heart.


    The next day at practice wasn’t much better. The two worked together to stop the ball from getting past the infield, doing their usual job but no extra words were said. Miyuki and Sawamura watched the two in awe and slight disappointment.

    “They really are hopeless, aren’t they?” Miyuki mumbled to himself. He stood at the plate and watched as Kuramochi and Ryousuke walked back to their normal positions on the field. Now it was just getting to be hysterical; the way the two were acting. Miyuki saw Sawamura who stood at the mound also watching the two players.

    “I wanna try something,” Miyuki started, running up the pitcher, “I’ll give you ten dollars if you catcall Ryousuke and pretend you didn’t. I wanna see if Kuramochi gets annoyed.”

    “I dunno, Miyuki-senpai…”

    “Ten and I’ll catch more than usual for you after practice.”
    “Deal!” the exuberant pitcher exclaimed with a smile. Putting his fingers to his lips, he blew out the loudest catcall he thought he had ever done. He had to say, he was quite impressed with himself. Quickly, Sawamura turned away to hide that he was the original whistler as Miyuki watched Ryousuke panic and Kuramochi raise his eyebrows.

    “Was that you!” Kuramochi yelled, pointing accusingly at Ryou-san.

    “No! Like I’d whistle at you!”

    “You don’t need to be rude! It was just a question!”

    MIyuki cackled from behind the plate with Sawamura next to him. “I’m sorry Sawamura but that was hilarious!” It wasn’t the exact outcome he had hoped for but it gave him a little something to snicker about.

    “If you’re not focused, we don’t need you. Get off the field if you’re going to be distracted,” Ryousuke spoke after a moment of silence. What was he saying? He never thought this. About Kuramochi, at least. So why was he saying it? Kuramochi looked back at him in obvious surprise.

    “Excuse me?” Kuramochi asked, his feelings hurt. But Ryousuke didn’t say anything more, running over to the batting cages for his turn to hit. Kuramochi stood in his position, feeling the many pairs of eyes on him. He made eye contact with Miyuki and Sawamura before walking to the benches. Taking a drink of water, he closed his eyes and inhaled the summer smell of the baseball field.

    There was not a question about it. The reason Ryousuke was acting so cold was because he started it, when he declined the offer for extra batting. He had to admit, he was rather rude at the time. Why couldn’t he just forget about the whole thing? Kuramochi thought. He wanted them to be friends again. Groaning, he opened his eyes slightly to see if anyone was around him and of course, the first year hovered above him.

    “Go away, Sawamura,” he groaned on,  now with his eyes fully open…

    “Have you talked to Ryou-san yet?”

    “No, and I’m not going to. It’s pointless. He’s not being very kind anyway but it’s not like I wasn’t either.”

    “Hmmm, well you don’t know until you try, like I said. Maybe he’s feeling the exact way you are. Ever think of that?” Sawamura inquired, picking at his fingernails. Kuramochi raised an eyebrow at the pitcher, never really having the thought officially occur to him that Ryousuke could be feeling the same way. The shortstop was going to speak up but a whistle prevented him from it. “Sorry! Miyuki-senpai wants me to pitch now!” The first year saluted before running back to the bullpen.

    Kuramochi exhaled deeply before standing up. He was starting to feel nostalgic, wasn’t he? The feeling in his chest as he looked out towards the field, specifically at the infield positions him and his partner played. He was feeling nostalgic to the practices months ago where they talked to each other nonstop and hung out everywhere. It was the time that Kuramochi ignored his feelings for the second baseman, subconsciously not wanting to ruin the flow of their gameplay. Not like Kuramochi knew, but Ryousuke had been doing the same exact thing. Every feeling Kuramochi felt, every moment of eye contact, was all intentional and mutual. It was not that their feelings were not mutual, it was that neither believed the other felt the same way. And both were much too afraid to come forward about it, not wanting to risk the team.

    Before long, practice ended and the team all went back to their dorms and some went to practice batting in the indoor area. (Of course, this also included Miyuki with his promise of extra catching for Sawamura (Furuya also asked but Miyuki promptly said no, saying he was being forced)). Ryousuke was asked by his brother to help him bat which he not-so-politely declined and headed straight to his room, leaving his brother and the rest in the team in awe. It wasn’t like the third year to decline extra batting practice, considering it was one of his biggest strengths.

    Returning to his room, he pulled his dirt ridden baseball pants off and pulled a pair of sweats on while grabbing a milk drink from the mini fridge that sit next to his desk. Drinking it in one go, he sprawled out on his bed and shut his eyes, processing the events that occurred that day. The only thing that continued to wrack his brain was Kuramochi’s attitude towards him. Why do I care so much? We’re just teammates and he’s having a bad week, Ryousuke told himself. But he knew fairly well it was a lie. He knew that they weren’t just teammates and he knew it wasn’t just Kuramochi having a bad week. It was more than that and with a sneaking suspicion of what it could be, he jolted up from his bed. Throwing a sweatshirt on over his head and shoes on his feet, he walked to the door.

    Ryousuke gripped the doorknob and with one twist, he opened its door wide only to have another’s body collapse on top of him. With a few grunts and groans because of various body parts being poked and prodded, Ryousuke was finally able to see who was now laying on top of him.

    “Nice to see you this evening, Youchi-kun,” Ryousuke said with a hint of priss behind his voice. Kuramochi’s cheeks were bright red and his eyes wide as he leaned on top of the third year.

    “Y-Yeah! Were you going somewhere?” Kuramochi asked him after rolling over so he was not laying on top of his friend. His knees were propped up along with his arms behind him, face staring downwards, not wanting to make eye contact.

    Ryousuke was not sure how to answer Kuramochi’s obvious ‘I have nothing to say in this awkward moment’ question. Was he going to say, “Yes, I was coming to talk to you about my feel-”?  just the thought made Ryousuke cringe. “Nowhere in particular. Did you need something then?”

    Kuramochi did not answer right away in a loss of words. Why did he come here? Did he come here to confess his love for his teammate? Did he come here to embarass himself and do the exact thing he’s been afraid to do for a whole year? “N-Not really…I guess…”

    “If you need batting help, I-”

    “N-No, not that,” the second year interrupted. Ryousuke had now gotten up and shut his door for privacy while the younger boy continue to sit on the ground. “Why have you been so cold? Like today, what was that about?”

    “I could ask you the same thing, Youchi-kun. Why have you been so cold?” Ryousuke asked smoothly and calmly with his cheeky smirk. That exact smirk is why Kuramochi had fallen head over heels for the player but it was not going to make him talk. Kuramochi scowled, the same way he always did when he became frustrated. And that was the exact reason Ryousuke had fallen head over heels for him. His undying amount of frustration.

    “Because,” his breathing wavered before speaking again, “…I think I’m in lo..wi..you,” he mumbled.

    “What? I can’t understand you when you’re mumbling, Youchi-kun.”

    “Will you shut up for just a minute!” Kuramochi yelled, now very frustrated. “I’m..in love with you…Ryou-san.”

    Ryousuke stared blankly at the player. He definitely did not expect that to come out of his teammates mouth. A sense of relief washed over him initially but it soon turned to panic.

    “Bu-But before you say anything-!” Kuramochi blurted, “just know that-”

    “Kiss me then,” the third year taunted. Wait. What was he saying? Kuramochi blinked, trying to register.


    “You heard me. Kiss me.” Ryousuke was a mischievous teen but Kuramochi never thought of him to be this cruel. He walked over and sat down in front of Kuramochi and leaned forward. “If you wanna know my secret, Youchi-kun, kiss me. Then I’ll tell you.” That got the younger boy intrigued.

    Kuramochi was definitely nervous, glancing around the room as if someone had a camera or simply that someone else was in the room with them. “There’s nobody here, Youchi.”

    When was the last time Kuramochi kissed anyone? Three years ago? What was her name again? Tomori, maybe? Was he even good at it then? Would he be able to remember it if he was? His thoughts were now beginning to overwhelm him but he calmed down when Ryousuke’s hand touched his neck, resting there. His fingertips brushed the bottom of his ear, making his cheeks glow an even brighter shade of pink. Now it was his heart that was becoming overwhelmed. The hand was almost persuading him. Kiss me kiss me, it said. This was an awful position to put Kuramochi in and he hated every minute of it. Well, besides the opportunity to kiss the boy he’s been in love with for so long.

    Taking one last look at the smirk on Ryousuke’s face, Kuramochi darted his face forward and pressed his lips to the others. The warmth that Ryousuke’s lips held surprised Kuramochi more than anything else. The shortstop leaned into the other while the two kissed, both just as hungry for it as the other. Their mouths clashed as their hands traveled along each others necks and faces, not wanting to part from the kiss.

    After the two pulled away, they stared at one another. Neither wanted to be the first to speak. With one swoop, Kuramochi sprung up from his seat on the floor.

    “B-Bye, Ryou-san! See you tomorrow!” Kuramochi screeched with a laugh before sprinting back to his dorm. His heart was a flutter as he ran, trying not to think about what had just occurred. He didn’t want to believe it. Did he really just kiss Ryou-san?

    Walking into his apartment, he was startled to see Sawamura and Haruichi sitting on the floor playing some fantasy themed game. (Did he buy that? He didn’t remember.) “Leave, Haruichi!” Kuramochi ordered, pointing towards the door. Haurichi looked very confused for a moment, taking a look at his friend who didn’t say anything.

    “See ya at practice, Haurichi!” is all the first year said. Kuramochi held the door open for the player, not making any eye contact. He just kissed the boys brother, after all.

    “I blame you! for my problems, Baka~mura! Anything that goes wrong is always your fault!” Kuramochi shouted while pointing accusingly at the pitcher.

    “Well, well, well that’s definitely not the first time someone has said that!” Sawamura exclaimed with a smile, scratching the back of his head sheepishly.

    But Kuramochi left it at that, not explaining himself to his roommate and the latter didn’t ask. He changed, brushed his teeth and tucked himself into bed. Just as he was about yell at Sawamura to go to bed, his phone lit up with a sharp ding.

@ryou_second : I never got to tell you my secret ;P

@cheetah_hyena : Do i wanna know ?

Kuramochi wondered how Ryou-san was able to carry on a conversation so quickly.

@ryou_second : I think you do…

    Kuramochi could almost sense the amount of humor and teasing through the text messages.

@cheetah_hyena : are you gonna tell me or not then?

@ryou_second : not over text, silly! cum outside ;)))

@cheetah_hyena : you’re disgusting

    Ryousuke was very pleased with how the night had turned out so far. He had gotten much more than he bargained for when he opened his dorm room’s door. He did not expect his friend to be on the other side, wanting to talk to him about the same thing he also desired. Ryousuke also did not expect Kuramochi to confess his feelings first, so, he decided to take advantage of that. Of course, asking the poor boy to blatantly kiss him was probably a little too cruel. But in the end, he was impressed with how he went through with it. Kuramochi was a good kisser (not like Ryousuke had kissed enough people to determine so).

    Ignoring his roommates questions as of where he was going, he slipped a pair of slippers on and opened the door, only to see the grinning face of a pink haired bastard standing right outside. Kuramochi’s heart once again skipped at the sight of him, remembering the events not a half hour earlier. He was surprised his legs had not given out from under him. Looking down at his feet, he waited for Ryousuke to speak.


“Yeah?” Kuramochi replied, a little to eager.

“Did you think I wouldn’t kiss you back?” Ryou-san asked. His hands were stuffed deep into his pockets, fists clenched. Kuramochi thought for a moment, wanting to answer as honestly as he could.


“No? Why is that?” Ryou-san fished for answers.

“B-Because why would you? Why would you like such an asshole of an underclassmen like me?”

Ryousuke listened to his friends words, wanting to say a million things but not quite sure of how to put them. He could see how Kuramochi truly felt and almost everything about him, in this one moment.

“Why wouldn’t I?” Ryou replied. His voice did not sound teasing nor fun. It sounded annoyed and frustrated.


“My secret, Youchi-kun,” the third year took a step back, “is that I like you, too.”

All at once, it felt like a brand new door opened for Kuramochi. Wind was blowing him backwards into the wall as the truth that he subconsciously knew all along was said out in front of him. The two were silent for a moment, neither of them sure of what to say.

But before Ryousuke knew it, he was grabbing the other in his arms and embracing him. The latter returned the gesture with even wider and stronger arms.

“Who said I liked you?” Kuramochi teased into the others arms. He could feel the smile of the pink haired boy on his shoulder. Almost immediately both of their moods were lifted as they hugged.

“A little birdy.”

“Uh huh.”

“Are you guys done making out yet? Because I gotta go shower!” Sawamura whined behind the closed door.

“We’re not-!” Kuramochi began but Ryousuke’s hands on his cheeks stopped him as he was pulled in for another kiss. Well now we are, Kuramochi thought devilishly. Maybe baseball would be a little more fun.


The next few days at Seidou were bliss for Kuramochi and Ryousuke. Their fielding was better than anyone -including the coach- had ever seen. Everyone was impressed with the two and only a few others knew the true reason why. Those people being Miyuki, Sawamura, Haruichi, and Furuya. Well, Furuya only suspected.

When Haruichi first found out, he was a bit more surprised than Sawamura would have guessed. In spurts of “whats?!”s and “you’re lying!”s, he finally settled down and became overjoyed for his brother. Sawamura was also happy for them, but mainly Kuramochi because now the second year wouldn’t be underperforming or moody in the evenings. There wasn’t much to complain about. For anyone.

“Ya’ know…this only kind of happened because of Bakamura over there,” Miyuki nudged Kuramochi’s hip as they stood in line for their dinner. He motioned to the table with the three first years all talking spastically.

Kuramochi snorted, “yeah? Humor me. How did he-”

“Remember when I told you how Sawamura figured out your little secret? And then you got freaked and started to avoid-”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah I don’t need to hear anymore,” Kuramochi waved his hand as he smiled sheepishly. He didn’t want to admit the joke of an “ace” was the reason him and Ryousuke were now dating. It would really ruin his ego. But this happiness didn’t come out of nowhere.

“Youchi,” a voice came over the two second years. Ryousuke walked up behind Kuramochi and touched his back gently.

“No PDA in the dining room, please, Ryou-san!” Miyuki begged in a teasing tone. Kuramochi sent daggers towards the catcher. But the catchers words almost sent a trigger off in Ryou’s mind. Like it was a dare. He wasn’t sure if Kuramochi was thinking the same thing; but in one motion, he stood on his top toes, reached up for his face and kissed him dead on the lips. The room immediately fell silent as people stared. Kuramochi’s cheeks blushed in embarrassment, Ryousuke grinned as wide as humanly possible, Haurichi grimaced, and the rest…well…they all smiled. Not soon after, the cheering began and the dinner carried on to what it was earlier. Or even what it was days before. Everything was normal and that made Kuramochi smile in itself.

“If you ever do that again-”

“Oh shut up, Youchi-kun.”

daiyanerd: To: @veenadaiya From: daiynerd Notes: This is my gift to you for the @kuraryouexchange! K



From: daiynerd


This is my gift to you for the @kuraryouexchange! Kuramochi takes really good  care of an injured Ryousuke. You can read the accompanying story here! (Note: story is rated E)

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