#vegan roast


I can’t believe this never occured to me before

You need

  • A cup/mug
  • 1 cube of veggie stock
  • 1 teaspoon of soy sauce
  • 2 teaspoons of wholemeal flour
  • A pinch of salt
  • 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil
  • Water
  • Optional - brewers yeast, ground linseed, chia seeds, cumin seeds, mixed herbs, garlic powder - there’s lots of options, so long as it doesn’t need to be actively cooked.

How to

  1. Put the jug/kettle on to boil (you can boil water in a pot or microwave too if needs be)
  2. Crumble the stock cube, add everything but the water and stir it all together to form a paste.
  3. When the jug is boiled, pour a bit of the hot water into the cup and stir again till it’s a thinner paste. Then top the cup up to about two thirds (for a standard sized mug), and stir. Let it stand for a minute (add more flour if you’re in a hurry), then stir again.
  4. Now you have gravy, just as quick as from a packet and you get to customise it ^_^.