#veiled blade


I might not have the greatest love for Pathfinder 2e, but I recognize that other people enjoy it, so on occasion I want to offer something to fans of 2e that wish to implement elements from 1e into their game.

Today’s subject was my first attempt to do so, a reimagining of the Veiled Blade archetype for Swashbucklers into a style for the second edition of the class! After all, there is definitely merit in having a swashbuckler that can keep on the down low until it is time to dramatically reveal their ruse, often with their blade buried, or at least at the throat, of an enemy.

Veiled Blade Style - Swashbuckler

You might be as brash and daring as any swashbuckler, but your foes won’t know it until it is too late. Through a combination of disguise and concealed weaponry you can infiltrate nearly anywhere under the guise of a noncombatant. You are trained in Stealth and gain the Experienced Smuggler skill feat. You regain panache when you succeed on an attack with a weapon that the foe did not know you were carrying, or whenever you succeed on a skill check or a foe fails a skill check where the end result is the foe not realizing that you are hostile to it. This includes deception checks to lie or impersonate, or stealth checks to conceal a weapon.

Exemplary Finisher

The foe is Clumsy 2 for two rounds

A simple build, but one I hope provides some interesting elements for a player to use in their game.
