#venti x lumine


Not sure if anyone did this in venlumi version yet or not, so—yeah

(Plus, I wanna draw Venti jealous face too☺️)



V: “You’ve done so much for others , my dear hero..maybe it’s time to rest a bit.. here I’ll let you lend me my shoulder.”




Hey everyone! E here with a random surprise. Genshin Impact. Never thought i’d be here but here we are. haha This is a christmas gift for my best friend @hains-mae though I’m pretty sure I’ll be back here when it’s her birthday so i left it open so i could come back haha.

okay there’s some stuff i need to cover underneath to save on post space but long story short this is an alternate universe for genshin (Been a while huh?) and the main ship is venti and lumine if you were wondering. If you wanna learn more, info dump under the keep reading fence sign haha

that is it for me on this side of the fence, have a great week! be safe! wear your mask, keep your loved ones safe, get vaccinated if you can, wash your hands and push for global vaccination. Comments, reblogs, feedback and sharing with your friends is greatly appreciated and i thank you so much for it. Enjoy!


If you like this story and wanna have an easier time reading it or just wanna know what the hell i wrote, here’s a link to the chapter over on Ao3


Here’s the rest of my work


and here’s the keep out sign for all people scrolling past this wondering WTF

Keep reading

I’m gonna have to draw fanart for this because OMG it’s awesome! Thank you so much E I love it I love it I love it ✨
