#venti x yn


dancing along to Christmas songs and karaoke—venti x reader pt. 2

day five of @xiaosmoon’s holiday writing collab

“oh baby, all I want for Christmas is you~“ you and venti sang along to the lyrics on the karaoke screen, hands on each other’s shoulders as All I want for Christmas is you by Mariah Carey played. swaying along.

“siiiiii-ilent niiiiight, hooooooooly niiiiiiiiight, alllll is calm, allll is briiight…” both of you shifted your tone into a monotonous one, dragging out all the vowels in the lyrics to Silent Night.
“On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me~~ a partridge in a pear treeee…” venti howled and you burst out laughing at his ridiculous singing. “shut up!” he yelled in embarrassment and you sniggered.

-you two would dance and sing for so long until your legs ached and your throats were sore, but that wouldn’t stop you from dancing and singing! (cue you two sprawled across the chairs in the karaoke room arms wrapped around one another)

-venti would try and fail desperately to SING without you criticising his ‘singing’ (bird screeching). he made it up for being a good dancer instead. his moves, they were like oo-lah-lah! so perfect! fitting in with the rhythm of the song too.
-it was adorable when he pouted while you criticised his singing, you felt like your heart would pop out and fly to heaven.

-he would get ‘angry’ at you and refuse to talk to you. but then he’d come, needing your attention, and pepper you with kisses saying that he was wrong to ignore you:)

-hearing you sing, venti wants to kiss you, to hold you tight, to protect you from the dangers of everyday life, to look at his darling and tell her that she will always be safe with him.

- he’ll snuggle up to you as you whisper the lyrics to the songs quietly. the tune is like a lullaby to him, urging him to succumb to you.

“last christmas, I gave you my heart, and the very next day, you gave it away~” you mumbled silently as venti looked at you.
-the lyrics to dandelion by Ruth b. was the only things running through venti’s head as you murmured the lyrics to songs.

As the tune to White Christmas played, instead of singing, venti brought you into a slow dance, following the rhythm of the Christmas carol. you put a hand on venti’s face and he smiled as you traced a finger down his cheeks. you laid your head on his shoulder and you breath tickled his neck as you whispered a soft I love you…he mumbled it back…his lips touched yours and you gave in…

…and then the music to Twelve days of Christmas started playing again and both of you started breakdancing, drunk and fueled from the night‘s gay atmosphere.


━━ PAIRING: venti/reader

━━ GENRE: fluff

━━ SUMMARY: peace was both boring and lonely, you realize as you went through your morning routine with the absence of the pleasant breeze of chaos. thankfully, peace wouldn’t be there for too long.

━━ CONTAINS: modern!au, singer!venti, too much love


the day started with an eerie sense of peace.

whether it was a blessing or a curse to be accustomed to waking up at exactly eight o'clock in the morning was yet to be known but you did know that there was something incredibly unfamiliar in the way your morning was going. with one final yawn, you sat up from the contorted position you managed to place yourself in during the night. as always, your eyes first moved to your bedside table where the numbers ‘10:32’ shone in a bright red color of the one digital font you’d see in every morning sequence of an american film. you slept in but thankfully, that wasn’t the source of concern. rather, it was the stillness in the air; the unmoving black screen of your phone that continues to lay undisturbed from the position you left it in last night.

“why isn’t he texting?” you mumbled to yourself, voice still hoarse from the lack of use, “is he okay?”

the 'he’ in question, venti, was someone who has taken a habit of incessantly messaging you until you replied at exactly eight in the morning. so far, you have never escaped his clutches nor have you managed to sleep through your phone’s restless buzzing, hence, you were always, always awake at the same time he was. you were mostly a sleep-deprived zombie moving on muscle memory alone because of it but at the same time, it was only thanks to his early bird nature that you were never, never late for whatever plan you have set for yourself. venti being venti, that fact alone was something that he insisted you speak your 'undying gratitude’ for.

perhaps that was why it was so unnerving to have some peace and quiet today and if you were going to be honest, well, the silence was pretty lonely. you’ve heard of pavlov’s dog and you wondered if venti somehow managed to trick you in some similar way. subconsciously, a snort comes off you as you absentmindedly squeezed a pea-sized blot of toothpaste on your nylon-bristled toothbrush (there is a special emphasis on this because venti was very, very specific about this as well. bless him and his perfect pearly white teeth and the tedious oral hygiene routine he forced you to copy.) very strange indeed… you could barely remember what time was like before he was facetiming you the moment you say 'i’m awake.’

“clingy bastard,” you grumbled through the foam in your mouth but your eyes said otherwise, “what are you up to, now?”

to some, maybe his action was taking it a little too far but you found it oddly adorable. venti was, first and foremost, a performer. before he was your boyfriend, he was already someone who could make a grown man cry from just the words he sang alone. getting together was the easy part because he was charismatic and really, really easy to love. he beams as if he was the sun and appreciates the world as if he was the moon. he’s a star who loves to explode into unpredictable stories at equally unpredictable times and he’s venti. what other reason could you require?

you’ve watched your songbird (he loves the nickname even though you first mentioned it in a sarcastic bout) grumble about not being able to do all those normal couple stuff where the guy wakes up next to his partner and cuddles them even more and— the list goes on and on as he was incredibly, and you really mean it when you say incredibly, specific about the things he wished to do with you during the mornings he love so much. no one can doubt it when it’s you who are speaking about it because you personally listened to him whine about it for almost an hour and a half during one of his drunken nights. it’s a shame that performers need to, well, perform and the performances he does usually lead him sleeping alone in a cold, unfeeling hotel room at the other side of the city if not the country itself.

you suggested doing your morning routines together in a call and he was excitedly waving your intertwined hands up and down as he asked “really? can we? can we really?!” that was why you never said 'thank you’ for your eight am wake up call. you did this to yourself and if you had any regrets, there would only be yourself to blame. thankfully, you have yet to need to go that far.

cutting the small trip to memory lane there, you sighed unexpectedly as you wiped your face dry with the matching towel he got you for no reason at all. seeing as he got it for you, you saw no reason to not accept. besides the small edelweiss embroidered in the corner was beautiful. ah, you sighed again. what has happened to you that you remember him every time you did so much as look at something? at this rate, you’ll be mourning over his lack of presence whenever you see a glass of water (because, as the joke goes, even venti drinks water.)

“well, if he’s not going to call…” a small tap at your phone and you were greeted by yours and venti’s smile. it was a picture from your nineteenth date — one that he took and one that he hurriedly airdropped you because it was his favorite among the two burst shots he took. briefly stopping to admire the pure, unadulterated joy on your faces, you found yourself suddenly craving for the same sandwich you ate that day.

there was one ring, then two, and finally, on the third, he picked up.

“good morning, my beautiful beloved! come to my apartment later. hm… around eight-ish?”

a small noise slips out of your pursed lips as you leaned into the counter, “good morning to the demanding love of my life too… aren’t you supposed to start with 'are you free around eight this evening?’”

“…are you free around eight this evening?”


you hear a scandalized gasp from the other end of the line and you immediately bite your lip to stifle the mean laugh that was inching away at your restraint, “what do you even have to do on valentine’s day?! should i fight your boss for you? wait— do you want me to make a diss track or something? you can blast it in your office and pretend as if you just forgot to plug in your headphones and if he questions why you’re listening to that in the first place, just say that you’re being a supportive partner—”

“i was kidding,” you finally interject, “but that doesn’t seem to be a very bad idea.”

“isn’t it?! but enough about that… you’re quite a mean one, aren’t you? after i went out of my way to make sure that i’ll meet you today? hah… the life of the one who loves more is truly plagued by much turmoil…”

“okay, hold on… who loves who more now?”

venti merely giggles, half-aware that dealing with him could be just as upsetting as being falsely rejected in his spontaneous advances.

“it’s too early to start the 'who loves who more’ debate for like the five hundredth time now—”

“then just concede so we’ll have no reason to bring this up ever again!”

“hah! never but as i was saying—”

“i love you more.”

“i love you more. in fact, i love you so much more that i’ll be there at eight tonight. bye.”

you could vaguely make out the beginnings of a counterattack but before he could say anything more, you ended the call with a thoroughly entertained and lovely smile. disgusting. this type of love was what you read about when you were twelve — the age of horror when things like “if you were a fruit, you’d be a fine-apple” would definitely land anyone a date with you. still, this wasn’t too bad, you thought to yourself as you hummed the tune of his latest single. since there was nothing much to do, you might as well find something to wear for something that’s still nine hours and twenty-three minutes away.

see? you loved him more.

those words continuously echoed in your mind as you struggled to find something to do. in the end, you found your legs propped up the arms of the sofa as you mindlessly scrolled through youtube shorts. it’s almost demeaning how excited you were that you could barely think of anything other than meeting him. granted, it has been two weeks since you last saw him — him being busy with finalizing his new album and you, with your own job. taking all things into consideration, it was a miracle that you managed to even have some semblance of a date today. since such meetings were so rare these days, would it matter if you were an hour and thirty minutes early? you think not and with that, you slipped on your shoes and opened the door only to see a face you were expecting to see a little later.

“sorry,” venti innocently grinned, “i got a little too excited, you see…”

“what—” before you could get over your surprise (and horror because you almost thwacked him with the bag containing beer bottles), venti was already pulling you into a hug, “venti! you’re freezing!”

“mhm… warm me up?”

you sighed, taking a few blind steps back because you knew better than anyone that he has no plans of letting you go anytime soon and that is true even if it would make both of your lives at least three times harder than it already was. with that much effort, you were able to lock the door shut and safely place your bags down. with a little more effort, you were also able to drop him off on the couch without knocking your head like last time. you swear on your signed 'windblume’ album (venti’s first-ever album for reference) that he must have dealt with witchcraft because no way in hell would you believe that it’s always you who’s getting the shorter end of the stick when this happens.


venti chuckled teasingly as he rolled over and lifted his feet in your direction. the sheer audacity of this b—

much to your surprise, he abruptly sat up on his own, “just kidding! aha, you look like you’re about to kick me out for real…”

“shouldn’t we be at your apartment? how about we both kick ourselves out of my apartment that i just cleaned?”

“you make it sound like i’m a literal homewrecker…”

“aren’t you? ah—!”

you shot him a glare, clearly not believing the sad, apologetic contortion of his face. venti, while you adore him and his jovial nature truly, was someone who needed a good scolding or two. even the intimate heat that radiated in the atmosphere was not enough to warm his awfully cold feet but you don’t think that was an excuse for him to playfully shove them to your bare thighs.

“’m sorry! i don’t know what came to me!”

the pillow you threw (lightly. how could you ever intentionally do anything that could hurt him?) landed directly at his face and venti made no move to remove it. he just laughed loudly and the pillow eventually fell because of how widely stretched his facial muscles were. this person, really… you sighed disapprovingly. one second, venti stares at you. two seconds, he wiggled his eyebrows with a knowing grin. three seconds, you cracked. venti began giggling again as soon as he saw the beginnings of the laughter you were trying to contain. he knew you’d never succeed in withholding your amusement either.

“i’m so sick of you! for real this time!” you managed to wheeze out (and even copy his words from before) in between uncontrollable fits of laughter. what you were laughing at was unknown by this point but when did you or venti care? “whatever! i’m getting popcorn!”

“hey!” venti giggles as he runs after you, “that’s unfair! you can’t leave without letting me hug you first!”

you cried in disbelief, “again? didn’t you do that the first thing you saw me?”

the thing with the bard is that hugs are never just a few seconds trapped in his hold. they are ridiculously long — measuring from sunset to midnight on occasion because he 'accidentally lost track of time.’ that was a lie, of course. a lie that you shamefully accept time and time again because it was a good excuse to get what you want as well.

“what do you mean?! you could cling to me like a koala for the rest of your life and it still wouldn’t be enough!”

“ew! you love me so much, it’s gross!”

at your teasing comment, venti very, very dramatically gasped before failing to continue his act. instead, he cackled as he tickled you without no warning whatsoever, “didn’t you say you love me more? then you’re grosser!”

“wow! just wow, you sly cuddle monster!”

fueled by your words, venti stopped his ministrations to squeeze your soul out in the most bone-crushing hug you’ve ever received. tapping the floor three times in disbelief and utter defeat (you fell over while laughing so hard and thankfully, venti placed his hand over your head before you could knock your head against the table again,see the january 21st date for reference).

“i’m not letting you go until you agree to let me stay the night.”

“why?” venti rose a brow of confusion, “why should i?”

“because you’re my hostage?”

“i am very unimpressed. i’m so unimpressed that i’d walk out of the door right now and spend the night outside in the freezing cold.”

venti let out a half-wheeze, half-snort sound. knowing you, you’d probably walk out of the door to prove a point and threaten him back only to realize you didn’t bring your keys with you so you’d have to spend the night outside for real. “okay… well, i give out good hugs!”

“do you?” you motioned — or at least, tried to — at your current position, “i don’t even know if i’m being held by a human or trapped in a straitjacket.”

“or you know,” venti shrugs indifferently as he tries again, “i can always sing you a lullaby and serenade you if you want. you’re in luck. you have this romantic utterly smitten with your person.”

scoffing, you mumbled something about taking his exaggerated words far away from you. it’s a shame. with your attention directed to the embarrassment that was pooling on your cheeks, you missed the honey-sweet gaze your lover was unabashedly offering you. yes, he was so utterly smitten with you that if he had even a small fragment of normalcy in his being, he would’ve found himself kneeling in shame.

“i missed you,” he whispers uncharacteristically softly. the somber tone made you gape but before long, a relieved smile was seen on your face. it’s painfully sad to long for the presence of someone you know you haven’t lost but it makes for an even greater sense of joy; of content and belonging when you finally have him back in your arms, the place he’s supposed to be in for however long he wants.

“i missed you more.”

at your words, he was found and dragged back to how he is — to how he should always be because he looks the best when he’s carefree, happy, and in love. venti pokes your waist threateningly with a cheeky smile that you feel through the thin fabric of your collar, “no trying to fool yourself now! i missed youmore.”

“whatever… you win tonight. stay over or something…”

“i knew you were weak for me!”

the night ended with a really, really perfect amount of endearing chaos, and pleased with the turn of events, you look forward to the morning that would definitely not have any semblance of peace — eerie or not.

© 2021 . all rights reserved. do not copy, claim, repost or translate in any platforms but reblogs are appreciated.

reacting to you confessing love

genshin impact edition pt.2

characters: kazuha, venti and xiao

warnings: spoilers for the 2.7 quest in xiao’s and my terrible original haiku…along with my unedited work LMAO.

a/n: yeah- uh please ignore the bad haiku…i tried my best + if the hcs seem kinda wonky or chunky *shrugs* that’s…that’s just my style ehe


  • Blinks at you for a moment until your words process in his mind 
  • And there we go! Kazuha has his one and only smile brightening up his face 
  • His cheeks are a little flushed but shhhh we’re not mentioning that to him ;)
  • Eyes crinkling around the corners as he replies to your confession with a haiku. 
  • Hisoriginalhaiku:

Those three words you spoke,

Weigh heavy around us both,

But my heart feels light.

  • “No wonder you were acting strangely these past few days. I feel the same. “
  • You guys go on a celebratory date to that street food stall in Ritou and eat salted braised fish :D
  • Somehow Beidou and the Crux family hear the news and are ecstatic for Kazuha!
  • Little did you know, Beidou and the others were shipping you two for quite a while
  • Waiting for WHEN THE HECKERONI you’d get together :< kids these days are so shy… just say it!! JUST SAY ITTTTTTTTT AHHHHHHHHHH
  • Also, Kazuha’s Crux family forces him to go on breaks and spend time with you
  • “I just wish they’d stop prying me about our…dates :(“
  • Lies.. He doesn’t mind it one bit
  • You’ll find yourself invited to The Crux often for partying


  • His hands stopped plucking at the strings of his lyre as his head turned to face yours…. Green eyes widened as the realisation set in.
  • That’s when he tackled you to the ground with a hug TvT <3 (the two of you were sitting side by side on Starsnatch Cliff btw)
  • “You have no idea how thrilled I am!” 
  • The surrounding wind blew gently, a little warm but had the heartwarming scent of cecelia flowers to it. 
  • Speaking of cecelias, he picked a few and tucked it behind your ears :”D now both of you are matching
  • You bet every Mondtstater knew about your relationship by the very next day.
  • Let’s be honest, we all saw that coming- come on, it’s Venti! 
  • “Hehe, I dedicate this song to my beloved! Listen up everyone~”
  • Diluc is tired of him coming to Angels Share and talking about you on the daily… He has a deadpan expression every time you arrive at the bar to pick up drunk Venti…
  • Nevertheless, Diluc is actually happy for the both of you and in reality doesn’t mind too much about him getting drunk now and then; after all, someone’s got Venti’s back now ;)


  • He turned around to look at you with his thinking pose.
  • Ehem (Xiao bestest boy)
  • “Hmm… Mortal emotions are something that I do not fully comprehend but- since it is you, I do not mind experiencing this… love… with you” 
  • He’s trying, okay? Give the poor boy some slack. He’s never dated his entire life and never thought about it too deeply, unlike his other yaksha siblings. 
  • This is the best reply you’ll get from him at the moment. Later on though, he will slowly become better at expressing his feelings with you :”D <3
  • He escorts you to his room back in Wangshu Inn 
  • Since it was getting pretty late for you to return to your place, Xiao allowed you to take his bed.
  • He slept out on the roof though :( 
  • But dear oh dear, Verr Goldet saw the entire scene. Don’t you worry, Wangshu Inn and their workers dare not disturb the two of you the next day, ahh~ sweet love.
  • Xiao often gets relationship advice from Zhongli… He calls the young adeptus for drinking tea now and then but- the god of Liyue has taken quite an interest in him and your relationship???
  • “So… I heard from Ganyu that you were on a flower picking date”
  • As for his yaksha siblings- well… they just tease him (in good humour, of course)
  • Xiao acts grumpily afterwards, but seriously? He loves it :”D (actually misses their teasing when his family doesn’tdo it)
  • “Hmph… they act like a bunch of kids”


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