#venus conjunct midheaven



Placements that indicate being seen as adorable 

I want to thank the lovely anon who mentioned the idea. I really liked it and I was just waiting for the perfect moment to write this. What better than choosing the birthday of one of the most adorable people I know, Miss @rhoemantically. Thanks to her too.

When it comes to being perceived in a certain way, the one that takes the lead is Midheaven. I have explained in many of these series that it represents the first impression that we give to others. 

Midheaven in Cancer/ in 04°, 16°, 28° [Cancer degrees] their aura is usually comforting, there is a very warm quality to their presence and the way they interact with their surroundings. Not only do their appearance have hints of courtesy, but their smile is one of the purest and most sincere, although they shyly protect it for those they see for the first time. They mix a charming and pleasant appearance with touches of a melancholy that softens those who meet them for the first time. People see at first glance the purity of their hearts and the goodness behind them.

Midheaven in Libra/ in 07°, 19° [Libra degrees]… in these natives, grace is something that comes to light, they are capable of leaving you astonished, because their beauty is almost fairy like, when you meet them you will see people with a truly just and righteous heart, traits that precisely make them be seen as adorable people and loved by many people. They are governed by the mentality of always doing the right thing, leaving no one behind and treating people as they want to be treated, these characteristics make them fascinating and delicate treasures.

With Midheaven in Pisces/ in 12°, 24° [Pisces degrees] we can meet the inveterate dreamers, those whose presence fills you with curiosity, since you will hardly find someone like them. They have a mystical charm, a lost look, but with an enormous brightness and focus on what is happening around them. Her willingness to help those she loves, her bewitching beauty in a very subtle way, and that seemingly innocent look steal your focus. The sweetness and openness with which they treat people in addition to those little unconscious gestures they make make them be seen as intrigued in a very sweet and moving way.

The lunar quality makes the appearance of the native softer, we can see this effect in the first place with Moon in the 10th house, who usually win people’s love and appreciation very quickly. Their sweetness is something born that can become a fixation for everyone who has them in their life, they earn the care and protection of people, who see them as someone very pure, someone they must take by the hand to take them through the world so dark that it can surround them. People are aware of their light and they do not want it to ever go out, since someone with a heart as loving as this native is should not lose this quality that makes them so them.

WithNeptune in the 10th house something almost magical happens, there is such an appealing quality in their aura that naturally causes people to see in them a great quality of being human, they are usually seen as gentle and benevolent, people who think of a common good and never seeks to cause problems to other people, who on the contrary only has to offer the best feelings, wrap you with the true warmth and attention that a human being can give.

Venus in the 10th house in Taurus, Libra or Pisces. In this one I had to be slightly more specific, but throughout reviews of cards with this placement, I have noticed that those with a Venus in domicile or exaltation in one of these houses express in their greatest splendor the endearing, tender and delicate nature of this planet. Their social skills and the way they treat people match the softness that paints their features.

The Rising also plays a huge role in this. The tenderness of the native is perceived once others get to know them personally.

In addition to possessing an attractiveness visible from miles away, a social charm that they don’t realize as much, Taurus Risings are people who are seen as kindhearted and very charming. Even if at first it is difficult for them to open up completely and it seems that they keep their distance a little, they also manage to give the impression of being tender and sensitive people, this because they are very aware of their own feelings and the feelings of other people. Something that also makes them be seen that way is because of that acceptance of the boundaries of another person, they show a lot of understanding and acceptance before them.

You can easily notice it in their look, a curious look, a pure look that has with it the reflection of a kind and very giving soul. Pisces Risings stand out for having a glowy appearance, out of this world, not belonging to this reality. Many times they seem too good to be true. The quality of these people is something extremely notorious, people see behind that introspective and somewhat reserved facet a person with a compassionate, empathic and charming personality. They tend to give off vibes of being very kind-hearted people who always have the needs of others in mind without simply being blinded by their own.

WithCancer Risings we find kings and queens of the kingdom of tenderness, here we find a sweet, delicate appearance but with a touch of reserve or mystery. Their eyes are a warm sea that you can’t stop looking at, their soft features and that sweet way of contemplating what happens around them is something that accelerates the heart of anyone. It is enough that they speak to you once, that they exchange words in a short period of time and you discover the politeness and warmth with which they relate to other people.

Perhaps this is a bit of personal opinion, but I felt like mentioning Virgo Rising… They are people who, perhaps because of their slightly shy or distant appearance, because of their serene countenance or perhaps just because of their natural beauty, are seen that way. Seeing them is like finding yourself in a moment in a million, walking aimlessly and meeting a forest fairy. Their somewhat tired look but with a particular shine that gives you clues that behind that calm facade you have in front of an excited and passionate soul.

Moon or Venus in the 1st house. Being planets with a feminine nature, it is normal for natives with any of these, in addition to being seen as softhearted and cute in a way, it gives them a lot of charisma and a very open and friendly/fraternal attitude with other people. Their face and some details that they may have on it, such as moles or dimples, make them enter the category of cute, not to mention their sweet and understanding personality.

There is a quality of purity and radiant energy to those with Jupiter in the 1st house, and don’t get me wrong, it’s not that they are all very social, friendly and chaotic, there is just something about their aura, their expressions and it’s particular way so adorable and charming in which they smile their eyes when they get excited. Their personality radiates a lot of good vibes even if they are introverts. Those who are lucky enough to know his sense of humor, his particular way of having fun, are fascinated, and it is not surprising that the quality of his friendship makes them be seen as tender, youthful and very positive by other people.

Below I will mention some placements that are usually common in people who are seen in an adorable or tender way.

Having either Cancer Venus or Cancer Moon makes the native sweet and lovable but in a more reserved way. However, their appearance is very dreamlike, their lips are usually very full and, in addition to that, they have this quality of being doll-like, due to their round face, the shape of their eyes and the length of their eyelashes. The way they behave with other people, their love language and even how they show interest and affection for someone makes them top the lists of the most tender.

Although this placement is not usually named in this topic, Gemini Moons have a very cute and childlike quality about them, and people who know them well or closely can tell, although they don’t usually like to describe themselves. thus. Their charm lies in this way of behaving when something excites them or when something interests them, they are usually very expressive even without meaning to. In addition to that, they have a very nice way of talking about their feelings and things that capture their focus.

The amount of tenderness that those with Moon or Venus in Pisces are capable of expressing is indescribable. Venus in Pisces is in exaltation, so the qualities of beauty and lovable and very generous ways of loving abound with this placement. Both placements are ruled by Neptune, which gives them a sacrificial nature, someone who sees a lot for others, these people make you think that there are good people, always willing to help others, to fill you with hope regardless of whether they are having a bad day, these people will do anything in their power to see you smile. Their hearts and minds are pure, they have a great disposition to love and accept those they love as they are and precisely this makes them see themselves as very sweet people.

Libra Moons are some of the most charismatic and loved by everyone I’ve ever met. They have generous hearts and spirits, and they are always offering the kindness and care that others deserve, and their way of being fair to everyone in all kinds of relationships that they have makes them very loved among their circle. Something that also makes them adorable and admirable is that when they get upset with someone they don’t vent with people who have nothing to do with the problem, they don’t deprive themselves of feeling but they know that those others haven’t done anything to them.

I have noticed that the Moons and Venus in Virgo are really adorable and giving once they love someone. They could give the impression of being somewhat distant, of being people who find it difficult to open up, but people seem to forget that they are the sister sign of Pisces, which means that they share a lot with this sign. These natives, in addition to having an almost angelic beauty, hide behind that hard shell an attentive heart and a lot of concern for those they love. They may not fill you with words about how much they love you, but their actions will make you fall in love with them more and more, you will find them very tender and devoted. They can be very demonstrative once they feel comfortable and that makes them cuter.

People with Venus in the 2nd house stand out for their generosity and that warm way of showing affection, so constant and stable in their demonstrations of affection. Those who are with them, whatever the relationship, perceive them as very loving and attentive to their needs and desires. Their protective and shared attitude with those they love evokes the tenderness of everyone who lives with them. Their attitudes are seen as adorable and they usually enjoy a good reputation precisely for that.

It would be impossible not to notice the beauty in the graceful appearance of Venus in the 4th house, but it would be even more impossible not to notice the one that relies on their hearts. Their personality is full of sentimentality, affection and devotion. Those who manage to form a very close bond with them realize how fabulous human beings they are, they see in them a loving and caring companion, someone who does not seek to fill their heart or fill yours, rather someone who wants to merge them. and be one with you. Their way of acting when they trust you is so fascinating, they give you a lot of security and constantly fill you with emotional details, which makes their sweetness make them unforgettable.

I have noticed that those with Venus in the 6th house are naturally friendly and nice to people, they can be a little shy or reserved to show the full colors of the work of art that is made in their hearts. Their altruistic disposition, that peculiar way of paying attention to those they care about, and the way they compromise with other people is something that gives them the title of lovable and charming. In addition to this, they have a delicate beauty, their features are naturally alluring, the shape of their face was carved in great detail, because their face is something that captivates you once you see it.

The mere existence of those with Venus in the 12th house is something extremely moving, their soul is poetic and unintentionally radiates a pure, dreamy and adorable essence. Their personality is very understanding, mystical and introspective, sometimes you feel like that hypnotizing but sweet look delicately discovers your soul, a simple look is enough to feel the warmth that only the sun itself would be able to give. Their sweetness and tenderness make you think and feel that you are in another world, in another dimension where everything is perfect and feels good. Their willingness to give everything, to give their whole soul is something unique that without a doubt the word adorable is not enough to describe.

Aspects between planets can help blend the energies of the planets or points involved, and there are various blends that indicate being done with lots of dollops of charm and sweetness.

TheMoon-Venus aspects gives the natives a dazzling appearance, however their charms lie not only in Venusian themes (their physical appearance and the way they love), but also in the way their emotions operate. Their displays of affection are just right, they are naturally sweet with those they love and always try to be there for them. Her sweetness makes the people around her feel very happy and fulfilled. Those with tense aspects such as opposition or square do not usually realize these qualities about themselves, and they may not be perceived that way at first (especially if the aspects are in feminine fixed or cardinal signs), but they tend to act in this way with those closest without realizing it. In general they are very giving.

The Moon is closely related to this protective, caring and attentive sense, it is maternal and affectionate in nature, when Moon is aspecting Jupiter it endows the person with a welcoming attitude, a trait that makes them earn the attribution of adjectives such as tender and friendly. They tend to be very open-minded when it comes to dealing with other people, their nonjudgmental but rather comprehensive attitude makes them win the hearts of many. These aspects amplify the lovable nature of the natives.

Neptune-Moon aspects make the sensitivity of the native many times be seen with very good eyes. Many see them as very compassionate people, with a zero selfish heart, and on the contrary a devotion and understanding regarding other people. Their tenderness lies in the way they care for those they love and the unique way they connect with people.

Venus-Sun conjunction also empowers the person to be seen as a person not only of a rather adorable and delicate type of beauty (especially if Venus is placed before Sun) but also endows them with natural charms, treatment of others naturally affectionate and pleasant. Their kindness and courtesy help them make people feel very comfortable and they may find it easy to form bonds more quickly or gain the trust of others.

People with Venus aspecting Jupiter are usually very smiling, particularly trines and conjunctions [we can add minor aspects like septiles, quintiles or biquintiles] and let’s face it, many times a smile can be the expression that makes us most adorable or charming. They radiate a lot of positivity, as well as being very fun-loving and light-hearted.
