#venus in 12th house


12th house spiritual blackhole

12th HOUSE Placements as a blank space for projection.

it’s important to stay away from toxic people because their energy will pollute the 12th house! and so, bad things will start to happen out of the blue. This house needs spiritual cleansing! it needs you to develop your higher self so that you can project that higher self into the world. It means being at your best and the universe suddenly working with you not against you. The 12th house is like a black hole for any type of energy, stay always with the highest positive vibration. It’s a collective spiritual subconscious house, it absorbs anything and gives it back to you! When you stay with toxic people because of your empathic nature and because you can see what they could be (12th house includes compassion and delusions) keep in mind their energy is being absorbed by you!So their karma will be your karma! In a sense, you’re “saving” them by being a martyr. Things for them suddenly start improving, while you drown.

It’s kinda a Jumanji House.
