#very good all around



The cheerful sounds of the slot machines around him didn’t do much for his sullen mood. Caretaker often came here when he was in need of a distraction, but it didn’t help today. In fact, his losing hands only increased the feeling of how much he’d lost over the last couple of days. And how little control he had over it all.

He tapped the table for another card. The dealer obliged him, bringing his total to 18. Could do. In his other hand he held his stack of chips. His thumb swirled circles over the plastic, a soothing motion meant to both calm his mind and keep his focus.

He felt a presence behind him. An onlooker. Happened often.

The man behind him leant over. A familiar twinkle hit Caretaker’s eye as the man slid a chip onto the table, betting on him. But as the man retreated, Caretaker focused on his game again. Probably a coincidence.

He sighed as the dealer hit twenty and he was forced to relinquish his chips. And the chip of the onlooker.

The presence behind him disappeared and from the corner of his eye he saw the man walk to the now empty seat and join the game.

Caretaker’s eyes widened as he recognized who it was. Whumper.

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