#very much alive


So I haven’t updated in a long time. Mostly because of time constraints but also because there hasn’t been anything I wanted to write.


I am back and hoping to begin updating more regularly again. I may change my page and make it look a little bit better in the future, but overall this is just a quick post to let everyone know that I am not dead since I’ve noticed that I’ve picked up quite a few followers. Welcome!

At the moment, I have uploaded aHawks Fanfic to get me back into the spirit and mood of writing. I am slightly rusty so I kept it short.
You can read it here, if you’d like.

On another note. I have recently been playing Genshin Impact and was wondering if anyone would be interested in me adding it to the list of fandoms that I am willing to write for?

Otherwise, I hope everyone is doing well and that the week ahead treats you kindly :)
