



with you, it makes sense

It’s not much, but I wanted to write a little something for my two beloved Elders, Ho-Tan and Vex and gift it to a person, whose writing and general loveliness is making my days happier and brighter.

Thank you for your beautiful writing @ailendolin, and thank you for sharing it with us

* * *

Ho-Tan blinked awake and it took her few moments to reorient herself in the dark. She had no idea how late, or early, it was. She was in bed, yet she did not remember coming to bed, or indeed falling asleep here. 

She ran over the previous night’s events in her head, when a snuffle to her left startled her from her thoughts.

Turning her head, she exhaled in relief.


He was lying on his side, facing her, fast asleep, his robes twisted around him, as he smacked his lips, mumbled something and settled again.

Keep reading

Huh. I genuinely didn’t realise how many times I’ve asked Natalie to draw those two for me But again, they’re just perfect. And that little fic thing I wrote, that was after I got the art.


I commissioned this gorgeous art for an utterly lovely fic Anniversaries by @ailendolin . Go and read it if you haven’t yet! I absolutely adore Ho-Tan and Vex and @ailendolin created a wonderful world where those two are happy, and living their lives and looking forward to the future together
