#victor valentine


Translation of Gast Adler’s ‘ Wondrous Tea Party On A Bitter Afternoon’ 4* card story from ‘Helios Rising Heroes’.  

— Just before the LOM begins.

Gast: Stealing the King’s bagel sandwich is a grave crime. So off with your head…!

Gast:Hmmn, kinda don’t feel right… Not too soon until it’s the real deal either, will I be okay?

Victor:It seems that you’re having a hard time, Gast.

Victor:Come to think of it, you had also played the role of the Queen of Hearts for the reading.

Gast:Yeahhh, it doesn’t have the punch like it did though. For the readin’ I had your advice and it somehow worked out…

Gast: But this time I’m dressed up and gotta act out the part perfectly, can’t rely on tricks and all

Victor:The impact, you say. It’s certain that understanding a character’s emotions and the like doesn’t pose a problem for you

Victor:In your case, I believe that overplaying the arrogance somewhat will work in your favor

Gast:A-arrogance… This kinda got really complicated now….

Victor: To put it in simpler terms, the behaviour of someone high and mighty.

Gast:Aah, like that. Someone high and mighty’s good

Victor: Think you can do it?

Gast: Yeah. Here I go!

Gast: Off with your head


Gast:Stealing the King’s bagel sandwich is a grave crime. So off with your head.


Gast:…..Doc? Was that no good?

Victor:No, I wouldn’t say it wasn’t good at all-

Ren: Is this some last minute acting advice?


Ren:It’s about to begin…. Marion’s going to lash out at you again if you don’t do it well.


Victor:Perfect timing. Ren, please assist me with giving advice from an objective point of view.

Victor: Gast, say that line one more time.

Gast: Eh… Ah, okay, sure

Gast:Stealing the King’s bagel sandwich is a grave crime. So off with your head.


Victor:What’s your impression, Ren

Ren:…..It comes over as bad, in the sense of a bad guy.

Gast:Comes over as bad…?

Victor:Indeed. Rather than it being high and mighty… it’s leaning more towards it being “villainous”

Victor: The villain part isn’t misplaced by any means, however for the desired image of the King of Hearts you have to lean away from that for a little.

Gast:So it wasn’t good… Well, had realized that myself though

Victor: I don’t believe that your performance was terrible by any means…

Victor: Perhaps the cause may lay with mentality, which is why acting out a character that is self-important has proven to be difficult.

Gast:Yeah, that could be why. When bringin’ my lil’ bros together I didn’t think I needed to be full of myself or somethin’….

Gast:I probs just suck at behaving in that kinda way

Gast:But I can’t use that as an excuse. If I put on a half-hearted performance… Guuh, felt a chill run down my spine…

Victor: Then, the only option left is for symbolic application. From the tone of your voice to mannerisms, all of it has to be stereotypical.

Gast: Don’t think I’m that clever to pull it off though…

Victor: There’s no need to overthink it. Let us begin with changing the way you move. Something fitting for a king would be…


Victor: It has improved quite a bit.

Ren:Yeah, it’s more believable


Victor:Yes, rest assured. Now for the last part, try to change the tone of your voice and the way you speak.



Victor:Oh, now that one was excellent.

Gast: Uh, that wasn’t me-

Marion: Everyone, it’s time to go! You all better be ready, got it?

Ren:Marion, since when…

Victor:Oh my, I had lost track of time for a moment there

Gast: Seriously… is it really already our turn to-

Marion: Gast, you better not put on a sloppy performance for the citizens. If you even dare to show a single fault…

Marion:You will get publicly executed for being an imposter of a king!



Gast:(Wait, hold on a sec? The way Marion’s acting right now…)

Announcer: “Now look at this everyone! The time for the battle between Alice and the King of Hearts has finally come!”

Announcer: “Although what confidence from the King of Hearts, a gun is pointed right at him yet he’s still calm and smiling without moving an inch from his throne!”

Gast:As if I, the king himself, would stand for a single intruder.

Ren:I’m putting an end to this trial right here. Watch yourself, King of Hearts…!

Gast: Hah, then I suppose you’re ready to get your head taken? Alice.

Roy:G-Gast-san’s kinda, different than usual…

Chuck:Obviously, duh. He’s the King of Hearts. Gast-san’s usually way different than that, but this is…

Roy: Aah, I don’t know how to say it other than I want him to order me around with that intimidating tone in his voice!

Chuck:I want him to look at me as condescending as he can while smiling coldly!

Gast:(Still don’t really get it but, using Marion as a reference was a damn good call)

Gast: (Oh man I’m so relieved~ And at this rate I won’t get whipped by him either!)

Roy:To think that Gast-san had such a side to him…!

Chuck: But this is perfect! I’ll keep following you for the rest of my life, Gast-san!!

Translation of chapter 22 of the event ‘Wondrous Tea Party On A Bitter Afternoon’ from ‘Helios Rising Heroes’.

Announcer:“Such terrific determination coming from the both of them! They’re glaring at each other, not moving an inch!!”

Victor:“It is probably because they rival each other in terms of strength.”

Announcer:“I see…”

Announcer:Wait, what are you doing here!!!

Victor:I thought it would be fitting to provide some commentary while having a tea party.

Announcer: Please don’t intervene with the commentary…!

Victor: ! Both of them are on the move


—The next day.

Jacqueline:Ufufu, the chocolate Marion-chama bought was very yummy♪

Marion:The chocolate you picked out is also delicious.

Jack:The tea has cooled down enough too. I’ll pour a cup

Marion:Thank you, Jack

Marion: (In any case, the Valentine’s LOM ended without a problem. And we’ve gained some points too.)

Marion: (We got saved by Brad’s proposal this time. It annoys me a little but… it’s fine. We can aim for first place at this rate.)

Marion:(Besides, Ren and Gast have learned how to read each other’s movements to a remarkable extent.)

Marion:(Participating as a pair in the shooting tournament has proven to be useful. The spectators had a blast too.)

Marion:(From how the story plays out, Gast had lost but… if they were left to fight it out either of them could’ve won–)

Marion:You’re here, huh…

Victor:Oh my, are Ren and Gast absent?

Marion:They both left because that bookstore called them over 

Jacqueline: Hey Victor-chama, what’s that in your hand there-nano?

Victor:Ah, this is something I bought with you in mind, Tomboy Robot-san. It’s to return the favour for giving me your chocolate before. Here you go.

Jacqueline:Waah, there’s more chocolate now! I’m happy~♪ Victor-chama, sit down with us and eat some


Jack: Oh, is Victor here? Then I will go fetch another cup. Please give me a moment

Marion:And Jack too…

Victor:Fufu, may I? Marion. 

Marion: Jacqueline invited you. Don’t you dare to reject her.

Jacqueline:Hehehe, it’s a chocolate party with everyone♪ 

Jack:Let us call Nova over too♪


Gast: I heard there was a storm of customers at the bookstore yesterday after the LOM

Ren: Is that so. Didn’t that cause any trouble for them?

Gast: It seemed like my lil’ bros helped out and that things went well

Ren: Aah, I see…

Ren:Then why did they suddenly call us over?

Gast: Iunno, why did they…?

Translation of chapter 21 of the event ‘Wondrous Tea Party On A Bitter Afternoon’ from ‘Helios Rising Heroes’.

–A few days ago.

Marion:On the day of the LOM we’ll carry out a demonstration split in two groups, one with Alice and the Mad Hatter, and the other with the King of Hearts with the Card Soldiers.

Ren: ….Why, am I Alice…? That’s who this costume represents, right?

Marion:Exactly. You played her role for the reading

Ren: I know I did but…

Marion: After all, helping out at the bookstore has been recognized as an effort for Valentine’s. And we can use the arena for the LOM as a large-scale tool for promotion, no?

Marion: You’ll fight in a mock battle while properly acting out as Alice. Same goes for you, Gast

Gast: Y-yeah. I’m good with doing a mock battle. My costume’s the Queen of Hearts, right…? No, the King I guess. But why am I…

Marion:You two were the ones that helped out the bookstore to get back on its feet. And because of that you’ve been casted as the main roles.

Marion: What’s left is me as a Card Soldier, and Victor as the Mad Hatter. As for him it’s currently uncertain if he’d be able to join on the day itself. If necessary Ren will have to fight on his own.


Marion: Regarding the scenes from “Alice in Wonderland”, we’ll be doing the one where Alice is chased down by the Card Soldiers at the trial.

Marion:I’ll be attacking together with drones dressed up as the Card Soldiers, and you act to that in return. Just so you know, I won’t be merely putting out an act out there for the mock battle. The attack will last until the very last minute possible.

Ren: …Got it

Marion:The fight with the King of Hearts comes last. Until then, you will be sitting like a king on the throne placed in the arena.

Marion: So when our turn is over, Alice and the King of Hearts will engage in a climatic one on one battle.

Gast: Ooh, gotta go against Ren, eh. That’s gonna feel pretty fresh

Marion:Put on a worthy mock battle to the point that the jaws of the spectators will drop. You two rookies can pull it off, no?

Ren:Yes. I’ll give it all I got.

Gast: K-kinda feelin’ this huge pressure but I’ll do my best too

Gast: Ren, let’s think of a plan even if it’s something simple


Victor: My apologies for the wait.

Victor: I’ve been told that the theme for the upcoming LOM is “Alice in Wonderland”… could this be the Mad Hatter’s costume?

Marion: Yes. A role that allows itself to be absent without any problems on the day of the LOM. Well… it’d be more exciting if you were present. 

Victor: I’ll exert myself as much as I can to be able to join. I’d like to settle West’s problem before the LOM starts.

Marion: I’m not hoping on much

Victor: Fufu. I’m glad to see you were able to prepare for the LOM.

Marion: ….Hmph. Since you want to participate, you better not show any exhaustion in front of the citizens just because you were busy.

Victor: Yes, of course. I’ll be acting out the perfect Mad Hatter when it comes to it.


Announcer: “Alice is surrounded by the Card Soldiers! He’s in a big piiiiiiiinch!! What will he do!!” 

Ren:“What will I do… Can’t see any openings-”

Victor:Let’s sit down for some tea, Alice


Victor:Would you like some cookies too?

Ren:What are you doing at this time…

Victor:The secret ingredient is gunpowder. You haven’t had anything to eat yet, so come and have a seat with everyone for a meal

Marion:Wha-… the card soldiers are…!

Victor: So would you like some? These cookies have a stimulating flavour, you know?

Announcer: “To think that the Mad Hatter would join the battle!! Nice assist!”

Ren: Vi-… Mad Hatter, the next attack is coming

Victor:My apologies, Alice. The tea party celebration for the Unbirthday has begun 8 seconds ago, my hands are full at the moment


Ren: Gh, then, I’ll knock ‘em down myself…!

Announcer: “There it iiiiiiiis! A complete rain of bullets from Alice’s gun!”

Marion:Tch, this is it, huh…

Victor: Now then, I’ll also…

Gast:Heeeh, didn’t expect you to take down all my Card Soldiers 

Gast:Oh well. The punishment for stealing my bagel sandwich shall be carried out by my very own hands then

Ren: I keep telling you, I didn’t steal it…!

Gast: Don’t think such an excuse will pass. Those who oppose the King get executed!

Translation of chapter 20 of the event ‘Wondrous Tea Party On A Bitter Afternoon’ from ‘Helios Rising Heroes’.

Marion:I-I’m… I’m still thinking about it. This has nothing to do with you anyway.

Marion:Hmph, South is in first place after all…

Brad: That has nothing to do with it. Right now I am addressing you as the mentor leader, rather than a hero of South.

Brad: …If in the case you haven’t come to a decision yet, there’s a chance that Valentine’s fair held for this bookstore can be considered to be recognized as an effort on North’s behalf. 


Brad:As you’re well aware, this falls under South’s borders, and it could be quite the irregular decision to make…

Brad: But since this was done in the name of the city of New Million, for the sake of the citizens, it deserves to be considered.


Brad: Only if all of you are on board with it, however… What do you think?

Gast: Ain’t that great, Marion! Wouldn’t that be a big win on our part if the fact that we helped here can be linked to sector points!?

Ren: ….Calm down, let him think about it in peace

Marion: ….I know that without you telling me.

Marion:Brad…. It offends me to take your charity, but given it’s a proposition from the mentor leader himself… I’ll have to go in on your offer.

Marion:No… rather, please take care of it for us.

Brad:Very well. I’ll go ask for Victor’s opinion and then try negotiating at the headquarters. If necessary I will also host a mentor meeting.

Gast:Nice, Marion!


Marion: Although it’s mostly about getting that permission… and it might make it a bit easier for the store to attract more customers.

Gast:Whaddya mean?

Marion: When a hero’s work gets recognized, the scope of what we can do ought to widen…

Marion: For example with yesterday’s reading, we might be able to present it a little bit different than before-


—On the day of the LOM.

Marion:Go, Card Soldiers! Don’t let Alice escape!

Announcer: “What amazing cooperation! These Card Soldiers are cleverly cornering Alice while obeying Captain Marion!!

Marion: We’ll absolutely take him down. Everyone attack all at once!

Ren: Gah…! Kuh…!


Announcer: “But Alice is not giving in! Having seen an opening, he started to gun down each Card Soldier, one after the other~!”

Marion: Nice try…! I’ll have you know that stealing the King’s bagel sandwich is a grave crime, Alice!

Ren: Ngh…I didn’t steal it…!

Marion:Not bad…!

Announcer:“Go for it, Aliceeee!”

Announcer:“You are the protagonist here, the Alice who will not yield~~~!”

Victor: Mmm, what a wonderful flavour of black tea. A cup after wrapping up work does wonders…

Victor:Would you like some too? King of Hearts

Gast: I’ll have to pass. After all it’s a drink from the madman himself, no?

Announcer:“While Alice and the Card Soldiers are entangled in a heated battle, the Mad Hatter is gracefully drinking tea and the King of Hearts is calmly seated on his throne in the arena and smiling…”

Announcer:“What an intriguing sight for a match! And while leaving these two be, the battle is getting more and more heated up!!”

Marion: Now’s our chance. Soldiers, surround Alice!


Translation of chapter 19 of the event ‘Wondrous Tea Party On A Bitter Afternoon’ from ‘Helios Rising Heroes’.

Marion:(…Ren and Gast are continuing to help out at the bookstore, and I even said that I’ll be helping out…)

Marion:(I don’t want to withdraw, and if I decided to help out I’ll go in with everything I have. But…)

Victor:While it’s more calm compared to the other day, the sound is quite chaotic.

Marion:….Is saying that all you came here for?

Victor: No, I’ve simply returned from taking a shower. West’s Faith had been affected by substance thus Nova and I are currently in the process of making a specific medicine for it. 


Victor:Has any trouble arisen on your end?

Marion: Nothing in particular…


Marion:….I personally went to confront Ren and Gast about the book store

Victor:Aah, that reminds me how today was the day of the reading. I wonder if it went well

Marion:It was a success. However they haven’t reached their goal yet. Both of them will have their hands full with that place for at least two months.

Marion: They’re keeping Valentine’s in mind but… I’ll have to handle it on my own this time


Marion:What’re you looking like that for

Victor:My apologies. Your decision making is not what I expected if I had to be honest.


Victor:I was fully convinced that you would prioritize the sector ranking.

Marion: What else is there to do. Make them handle too much at once and it’ll be clear as day that things will only end up half-assed. 

Victor:Fufu, you’ve changed, Marion

Marion:S-shut up….! Don’t talk as if you know me

Marion:Anyway, leaving the LOM aside, we’re still looking for a method to gather points efficiently, you better get on it too.

Victor:Very well. Although I have to make my way back to the lab since Nova is waiting for me.

Victor:While it might not be the most ideal, I will try to think of something. I’ll be going now

Marion: (….He said something I didn’t expect from him. Although I don’t have high hopes here…)


—The next day

Gast:Amazin’…. The crowd is huge in here…

Ren:Is this because of  “Alice in Wonderland”? Would make sense since the owner’s collection is full with rare finds.

Marion:Still, the fact that it suddenly became this crowded is way beyond my expectations….

Marion: (If we take advantage of this and can do something more exciting, won’t this bookstore’s popularity increase and then attract even more people to it…?)

Brad:Hm, it’s quite lively.

Marion:Brad…! What are you…

Brad:I have some time left till the next meeting, and I had the chance to drop by due to being on patrol-

Female customer A: Aah! Aren’t they the ones from that one video on Milliontube?

Female customer B: It’s them! And the Queen too~!



Gast:Uwah, look at this! It’s recorded from the point Marion ordered us to go paint the balloons red…!

Ren: When… when did this…

Gast: The amount of views is already amazing, but the comment’s where stuff gets damn crazy…

Gast: “The Queen ordering these tough guys around made me laugh so hard I couldn’t stop” “IRL card soldiers” “Seeing those delinquents hold heart-shaped balloons is strangely cute for some reason”

Gast:I mean, yeah, kinda get where they’re comin’ from…

Ren: “I had gone to this reading the other day, but that Alice kid went way too hard, it was priceless.” “An Alice of the new era.” “This” “Like seriously” ….

Ren:What do they mean…

Brad: I had seen the video and also made my way over here. You have my gratitude for supporting an area outside of your own jurisdiction.

Marion: …It’s not like you needed to give your thanks or anything. Besides, it wasn’t me but the rookies who pitched in for help.

Brad:The rookies?

Gast:My lil bro’s dad owns this store.

Ren: I knew about this place since I was a child…

Brad: That’s why…

Brad:Then what do you intend to do for Valentine’s, Marion

Translation of chapter 14 of the event ‘Wondrous Tea Party On A Bitter Afternoon’ from ‘Helios Rising Heroes’.  


Jacqueline: What a wonderful song-nano~♪

Jack:Absolutely. The gentleness of it makes me want to listen forever.

Marion:(What Gast said earlier… I swear I heard it somewhere else before…)

Marion: (Actually, why do I have to worry about what these three are doing. They can have conversations with each other and whatever.)

Marion: (But why specifically in their room… couldn’t they just talk in the living room or what)

Jacqueline:It’s kind of getting more and more intense・・・


Marion: (Come to think of it, I noticed that Ren and Gast have been acting weird lately. Like getting flustered for some reason whenever they run into me… )

Marion: (And I’ve been often seeing them together after patrol and training has ended, despite the fact there’s no activities for the both of them planned.)

Marion:(Both being suspicious and sneaking around…. What could they be doing, I ought to wring it out of them…)

Marion:(….Are they doing something that they can’t let me know about?)

Marion:(Don’t tell me they went to Victor instead because of that….)

Marion:(Damn it…! I’ve been so preoccupied with the sector ranking and LOM, I should’ve paid more attention to what these rookies were doing….!)


Victor:That was quite a fierce melody. Isn’t that amount of force a little bit unnecessary?

Marion: S-shut your mouth. I can do what I want.

Jacqueline: Is Marion-chama okay・・・?

Marion:!! Sorry Jacqueline, I told you I’d let you listen and yet…

Jacqueline: Marion-chama, eating some chocolate will cheer you right up. Jacqueline will go get some~

Jack:Jacqueline, please wait. I’ll come too.

Marion:(….I did something unpleasant to them…)

Victor:Things seem to have gotten awry at the lab and I must return at once too…. What I require is–

Marion: Oi, hold on

Victor:Yes, what is it?


Victor: ? What’s the matter, Marion

Marion: I… I knew you were in the rookies’ room until a moment ago, but what were you doing?

Victor:Aah… I gave instructions in regards to acting.


Victor:Oh my, haven’t you heard anything from these two?

Victor:Gast and Ren are currently taking various measures in order to revitalize a bookstore going out of business.

Victor: And one of these measures happens to be a reading of “Alice in Wonderland”.

Marion: That’s what they were….? Why did they let you know, but not tell me a single word….


Victor: Although I’m mostly speculating, it seems that this store is located in Red South.


Victor:They might be under the impression that they’ll get reprimanded by you, who’s strictly adhering to North’s sector ranking, if they spoke of working for the sake of South 


Victor: As said, this is purely my own conjecture …

Victor: Now then. I’ll be confined to the lab for a while again. The West Sector has gotten entangled in a rather troublesome case regarding substance.


Translation of chapter 13 of the event ‘Wondrous Tea Party On A Bitter Afternoon’ from ‘Helios Rising Heroes’.  

Ren:“What a ridiculous trial. There must be a verdict first before the sentence.”

Victor: This is where Alice is taken aback by how ludicrous the trial is. Pay attention to deliver the line as if she’s criticizing the jurors.

Ren: “I’m not afraid by the likes of you”

Victor: Alice is a 7 year old girl, however she’s making herself seem bigger now, which in turn increases her courage. Act a little more self-important at this part.


Ren: …How was it?

Victor: Let’s see…

Victor: Although you can comprehend the logic behind it, the skill to act is still necessary to a certain extent, is what I was able to conclude.

Ren:Gh, then, at this rate I really won’t be….

Gast:Hey hey, you’ve gotten better than you were at first. You just started practicin’ too, it’s bit too early to throw the towel 


Gast:R-right, Doc?

Victor:Indeed. Considering there is the possibility to improve, I believe it’d be premature to end things here already.

Ren: I-I see…

Victor: Let’s briefly focus on Gast’s practice for now. In the last scene during the trial, the Queen of Hearts had a weak impression, I’d like for her to be acted out with some more strength.



Marion:I’m back–

Jack:You can’t go, Jacqueline

Marion:What’s going on?

Jacqueline:Marion-chama! I can hear Ren-chama and Gast-chama talking in their room

Jacqueline: It looks like Victor-chama is with them, and that they’re having fun-nano. Jacqueline got curious about what they could be talking about・・・

Marion:Victor, Ren and Gast… happily talking together…?

Marion:(What would these three even talk about….)

Jack: I understand being curious, however Jack thinks that we ought to leave them be-

Gast:“Off with your head!!”


Marion:(W-what was that now…. What is going on in there…?)

Jacqueline:Marion-chama, want to barge in there?


Jacqueline:You storm into rooms out of nowhere all the time!

Jack: Only when I have business to take care of.


Jack:Marion, what’s wrong?

Marion:Aah, sorry.

Jack:Jacqueline, Marion must be exhausted, let’s head back already.


Marion:It’s as Jack says, let’s stop trying to interrupt them.

Marion:More importantly, don’t you want to listen to my piano? I’ve learned to play a new song.

Jacqueline:Waah, I wanna listen!

Jack:Are you sure? Resting would be more・・・

Marion:I’m fine. I’m rather in the mood to distract myself with something else than to take a break.

Jacqueline:Marion-chama, show us your new song already~♪

Marion:Let’s go, Jacqueline, Jack
