#victorian medicine


Despite the name, in 19th century America most “patent medicines” were never patented. To actually file for a patent would have required makers to reveal their secret ingredients, which most flat out refused to do. On the other hand, most did trademark their product names and label designs. 

To find out about other questionable medical practices in Victorian America, check out a copy of Marketplace of the Marvelous by Erika Janik.


Ah, those risk taking Victorians. Back in 19th century America, medical licensing laws were weak to non-existent. Just about anyone could practice medicine and call him or herself doctor. Until late in the century, many doctors never even attended medical school! As a result telling the difference between a doctor and a quack was next to impossible. 

Learn more about the strange world of 19th century medicine in Marketplace of the Marvelous by Erika Janik.
