#view of arles

39adamstrand:dappledwithshadow:Vincent van GoghView of Arles with Irises in the Foreground1888fr



Vincent van Gogh
View of Arles with Irises in the Foreground

from Vincent’s letter to his brother Theo, 12 May 1888:

“I am in better health now… . I have two new studies… . A meadow full of very yellow buttercups, a ditch with iris plants with green leaves and purple flowers, the town in the background, a few gray willows - a strip of blue sky.If they don’t mow the meadow I’d like to do this study again, for the subject was very beautiful, and I had some trouble finding the composition. A little town surrounded by fields completely blooming with yellow and purple flowers; you know, it is a beautiful Japanese dream.”

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