#vikings harald


How to Break a Heart (Harald x Reader)

Summary:You thought you’d spend your life with Harald Finehair. Most importantly, you thought that he wanted to spend his life with you. You couldn’t have been more wrong…

Warnings:angst, heartbreak, mentions of death, mentions of raiding, first piece I’m writing since basically having zero motivation for 3 weeks

Word Count: 1,133

Requested by Anonymous:

Fuck Valentine’s Day MasterlistIIVikings Masterlist

#16 - “Say you’ll see me again? Please?”

#19 - “This is going to be our last kiss.”

#20 - “No you can’t leave! You can’t do this to me!”

Harald made Vestfold feel like home for you. It became the home you longed to have for a long time. He became why the morning sunrises seemed brighter and the cold nights seemed less cold. He makes you happy.

And you like to think that it’s a happiness that will last forever.

Today seems less bright to you. It started with waking up with Harald’s side of your bed being empty. It’s not something new to you, but if he had to leave before you woke, he would have left something in his place to make you smile. Something as simple as a wildflower. But there was nothing this morning.

You don’t usually pay attention to the hustle and bustle of the city. But as you walk the streets, wondering where Harald might have gone to, you can’t help but notice how there seem to be more warriors than usual, all ready for an order.

If Harald was planning a raid of some sorts, he would have told you about it. Right?

You knew you would find him in his Great Hall but it makes your heart stop for a moment to see him clad in armor, on his way out the door. He stops when he sees you standing in front of him and you try to hide the way your heart feels like it’s breaking with a smile as you slowly step towards him.

“Have I forgotten something?” you ask, your voice in a soft whisper. “I don’t seem to remember you telling me that you were leaving today.”

“I didn’t tell you,” he bluntly says and tries to walk past you.

You stop him, taking a step back and placing your hand on his chest, making him look at you with an annoyed sigh leaving his lips. This kind of reaction is something new to you. He’s never been annoyed with anything you do and if he has been, he’s never shown it so blatantly.

“Then tell me now.” You wanted to ask him why he hasn’t told you but you thought it best to ask what it is that he hasn’t told you before asking why.

Harald breathes out a sigh, his eyes darting to the side in hopes that someone will come up to him with a problem that will allow him to walk away from this conversation. “Ragnar Lothbrok is dead,” he starts, seeing that he won’t be able to avoid this now. “Kattegat is vulnerable now making it the perfect time for me to take it.”

So, it is a raid that he hadn’t told you about. And it hurts to think that he didn’t tell you because you thought that he would tell you anything and everything. You certainly did.

You opened yourself up to him, told him everything about yourself and your life until there was nothing else to tell and nothing left to do except live your life out with him. Create stories with him.

“Why would you want to take Kattegat?”

“I must if I want to be King of all Norway.”

Of course, you knew about his plans to have that title. Everyone who knows about Harald Finehair knows about his quest to be the King of all of Norway.

“I thought… Why didn’t you tell me about this? I would have prepared to come with you,” you whisper as your hands grip each other tightly like they’re a dam wall holding back your tears.

Halard steps forward, raises his hand to gently cup your face as his thumb caresses your cheek. “That’s the thing, (Y/n). I don’t want you to come with me,” he says, his words ripping your heart out of your chest.

You try to find some kind of hope in his eyes. Maybe he doesn’t want you to come with him because it will be dangerous and he doesn’t want to lose you. Maybe he thinks you will be safer in Vestfold. You try to find a sign that he still cares about you and loves you.

But his eyes are cold and show no sign of anything that you had experienced in the past with him.

“Say you’ll see me again? Please?” you beg. You still have hope that he cares about you and that this isn’t going to be a goodbye.

But your hope is too much and all for nothing.

He lets out a quiet sigh as he steps closer. “I don’t think that is a good idea. Let’s face it, you’re not cut out to be a queen of any kind.”

“You don’t know that-”

“I know enough. Besides, you were just something to pass the time with.”

You tell yourself not to cry, that after he had said those words that he doesn’t deserve to see your tears. But you can’t stop them from rolling down your cheek. “No, you can’t leave! You can’t do this to me! After everything we’ve been through together,” you sneer, pulling your face out of his hand and trying to step away from him.

He grabs your wrist, stopping you from leaving and causing a scene. Of course, he doesn’t want to end things with you in a way that everyone will know about it. He’s always been one to do things quietly so as to not cause much of a fuss. This time, it isn’t any different.

“You were in for more than I was. You always loved me more than I could ever love you,” he whispers, holding your hands tightly as he slowly leans in closer to your face. “This is going to be our last kiss.”

Then, he presses a gentle kiss to your lips that you don’t reciprocate. You just close your eyes, trying to not let this pitiful farewell kiss break you even further.

You know that this is an act for everyone watching. An act so that people might think their King is saying a heartfelt goodbye to his lover - who everything thought would make a lovely queen for them - before the raid on Kattegat.

“I hate you now,” you whisper as he pulls away glaring up at him with tearful eyes.

Harald smiles lightly as he places a hand on your shoulder. “You will get over it,” he mutters. Then he walks away.

Your head drops between your shoulders and you stare down at your hands for a while as your tears cascade down your cheeks. When you close your eyes, you can still hear his laughter with yours, a moment of pure happiness when everything seemed real.

It hurts now to think that it was all a lie to you. You were simply a distraction for him until the right time came to take Kattegat.

You can’t believe you were so stupid to not see that…

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