

The absolute sheer pain and agony of being a Mario & Luigi RPG series fan and wanting to see a villain return again like Cackletta/Fawful/Antasma/Shroobs and knowing it might never come especially because of the bankruptcy feels like chewing on stale crackers because it’s all you have to eat and just hoping that eventually one is gonna be crisp.

Yoooo these shoes I got for Christmas are a NIGHTMARE, HAHA, get it?? I am funny.

I had a go at the ol’ TierMaker Kirby character thingy, this is my personal one cuz I know in the pa

I had a go at the ol’ TierMaker Kirby character thingy, this is my personal one cuz I know in the past people were asking me about my ratings of characters so here ya go.

Post link

I stumbled upon some Count Bleck art online and took the bust and ran it through ACPattern, I set it there along with the other picture of Blumiere and Timpani as a constant reminder of.. well, things I’d rather not talk about. I still have the QR code here though, I’ll post it on this same response so you can download it to if you’d like to use it!


My Animal Crossing town is nothing to write home about, in fact I’ve probably played a total of like 6 days but I’ve really been enjoying it when I do play it! I like my starting place and I’ve done a bit from time to time.

I really do like it and.. I get to enjoy smaller things in it, too.

I like to write about villains and discuss them so, there’s one in particular that I’ve really enjoyed since 2002 and that’s Sephiroth. 

Now, the reason I find that so interesting is that I’ve never actually beaten Final Fantasy 7. Heck, I’ve barely even played it, the farthest I’ve gotten is getting out of Midgar and my journey ended there. I still intend to beat the game after quarantine but the point is, FF7 is not where I found out about Sephiroth.

My brother and I back in 2002 picked up a copy of Kingdom Hearts because we were so interested in the game and wanted to see what it’d be like, and ever since it’s been one of my favorite game series.

Anyways, during the game if you like to explore around enough, after you hit a certain story point in the game, you can go back to Olympus Colosseum and notice that there’s a new option open you can face called “?????”, so of course me and my bro wanted to see what it was, and boy howdy were we genuinely confused but filled with dread with what we got.

I was the younger brother and I loved watching him play the new games we’d get, so he entered the match and out comes this white haired beach boy lookin’ angel dude who at the time I thought must have been Ansem’s cousin or something and up comes the match box title “Platinum Match - Sephiroth”. Had no idea who that was, but the second my brother goes up to fight him, Sephiroth slashes him and boom, dead. One hit, that’s all it took. Me and my brother just looked at each other with this open mouth expression like “OH”. I legitimately thought it was a battle you were just supposed to lose.

After many many hours of my brother grinding and finally going back to combat Sephiroth over and over again, took days, he finally ended up beating him and that was one of the best feelings in the world, the whole entire fight is a complete nightmare where you are completely outmatched and he finally beat it, so I learned to respect Sephiroth at an early age despite never playing the main game he was from.

Also his music, hearing them say “Sephiroth” in the background and hearing One-Winged Angel for the first time, I could tell he was something important even from the get-go. What an introduction, and he’s still the hardest boss I’ve ever beaten in my history of gaming. 18 years later, insane.
