

fuck the carolyn spin off, give me a spin off starring lashana lynch and gemma chan playing essentially villaneve-esque characters but this time it’s solely about them and they have a lot of sexual tension and tons of kissing/sex scenes and they have a happy ending

if you take out the ending of the last epiosde, this whole season is still very disappointing compared to the other seasons. not only were there unnecessary and random plotlines/characters introduced (in the final season, who tf does that?) but also villaneve didnt have as many scenes with each other alone as they used to.how was the last episode the only one where they had a lot of scenes together??

it didnt feel genuine and on-brand of the show, seeing how it started off being mainly about eve and villanelle (take me back to season ½ era ). they’ve completely lost the plot ever since PWB stepped down, they fucked it up and ruined everything.

i expected s4 to be shit bc all 4th seasons of every show are shit but its worse knowing its the last season, like how can the writers/producers be satisfied ending it like this? (also who asked for a carolyn spin off? dont piss me off omg)

is anyone going to make the connection that the reason villanelle kissed eve’s cheek was bc she realised that eve was comfortable enough and loved her enough to piss next to her (this is going to sound so weird to people that dont watch the show). she said at the cabin that the couple “share organs but cant piss in front of each other”, i think she defined that action as the most comfortable you can be with someone you love (which i think a lot of people would agree with). so eve couldve easily gone somewhere else to piss but she did it right next to her and they even shared a laugh. villanelle probably realised in that moment that eve loved her just as much as she did to be comfortable enough in a situation like that with her.

someone pls tell me im making sense and u understand where im coming from

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Jodie Comer 2021 Bafta interview

Watch “Rosmello morning cuddle routines” on YouTube

Patreon Page is Up!!! Will be posting Full Length Live Episodes, Exclusive Rosmello Videos and Grande Fratello Content Here. Tier starts at $3. As a Thank You for Signing Up you get Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 and Part 5 of Live Episode 1 for Any Tier you subscribe to!!!


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Patreon Page is Up!!! Will be posting Full Length Live Episodes, Exclusive Rosmello Videos and Grande Fratello Content Here. Tier starts at $3. As a Thank You for Signing Up you get Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 and Part 5 of Live Episode 1 for Any Tier you subscribe to!!!


#Rosmello (Rosalinda Cannavò & Dayane Mello)! They participated in Italian’s big brother (Grande Fratello VIP 5) fell in love, low key dating for 5 months in there things are bit more complex than that but they’re worth the watch! See their journey here

Watch “Dayane being completely in love with Rosalinda” on YouTube

People have been comparing these two, too Jenny and Marina from the L Word and now I can’t unsee it!! Lol There chemistry is equally the same ❤

Watch “Dayane refusing Rosalinda’s Affection” on YouTube

Roslinda begging for Dayane’s affection. Dayane tries hard to refuse until the end. She cares in ❤

Watch “Rosalinda and Dayane argue over Dayane ignoring Rosalinda w/ ENGLISH SUBTITLES” on YouTube

Rosmello having a couple spat She just misses her attention ❤❤
