

Look at this socialite walking her grounds.

#LaLa #bluenose #pitbull #pitbullsofinstagram #doggo #pupper #socialite #anisquam #glostakid #glosta #villen (at Annisquam)

#bluenose    #pitbull    #pitbullsofinstagram    #pupper    #socialite    #anisquam    #glostakid    #glosta    #villen    
raveniaworld: Inspired by my own experience with slippery jacks x’DDon’t know if you’ve ever had to raveniaworld: Inspired by my own experience with slippery jacks x’DDon’t know if you’ve ever had to


Inspired by my own experience with slippery jacks x’D

Don’t know if you’ve ever had to clean those mushrooms by yourself, but they have a thin, sticky skin that should be removed before cooking, as it’s not edible. Unfortunately, yeah, it stains skin and nails black Dx And those stains are VERY hard to remove with anything. I looove mushrooming! And then eating my own picked shrooms, but it’s always a downside of that particular type, that is the most common type in the forests near my cabin xD’

And that’s why drow need dark skin! :D As their main food are mushrooms, and probably not just that type stains skin, so they don’t need to worry about any “dirty hands” ;) Lol!

What are your experiences? Do you like mushrooms and mushroom hunting?
You can find me on: (@Luupetitek)
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Making myself a break and drawing another VV comic! :D Wow, when was the last time? Can’t even remem

Making myself a break and drawing another VV comic! :D
Wow, when was the last time? Can’t even remember u.u’ But I’d love to come back to drawing comics. I have sooo many ideas and sooo little time, sigh.
Also, wish I could finish it till tomorrow, as it’s a holidays related episode :x But not sure how it will go, bc as always, ofc, I had to do it super complex with 5 animated panels x’33 Oh well! Anyway…Happy Easter everyone! I know that some of you probably can’t spend them like you’d like to, because of the quarantine, but hope you’re safe and feeling well!

I know I’m not very active lately, but the only thing I am doing right now is working and even more working >.< as I’m staring right after a breakfast and finishing at midnight, when I already don’t have any energy left to do anything else. And that’s my every day. So just for you to know that I’m not dead or anything, but just very busy. But at the end of April I have deadlines for both animations I’m working on and I’m slowly finishing everything, so maybe then I will have a bit more time to draw for myself too! Lets hope for that!

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