#vincent kim



A/N:Writing after a long time so i’m just doing some drabbles to warm up. :) 

(P.S. Vincent is Marius’ secretary… for those who didn’t know (i didnt know at first kek)).


Vincent loves his job. He’s the secretary of the heir to PAX Group, the largest conglomerate in all of Stellis. The pay is great and his boss is nice to him—which already makes his job a steal compared to the average salaryman out there.

Of course, there are downsides to every job, and his is no exception. He spends many late nights working overtime, frequently finds himself scrambling to cancel or reschedule appointments because his boss suddenly decides he doesn’t want to attend or something urgent crops up at the last minute, and he also often winds up doing things above his pay grade. 

“Vincent… what if she hates me?” Marius slurs, head dropping down in his chair after emptying yet another glass of wine for the night. 

Vincent has to suppress another sigh that threatens to escape him. He’s lost track of how many bottles Marius has downed by now. It’s almost midnight, he’s stuck in the office with his drunk boss, and now he also has to double up as a counsellor or relationship advisor—which his business degree sorely failed to prepare him for. Hell, he hasn’t even had time to date either because of his work; why come to him of all people for relationship advice? 

Still, he plasters on the professional smile that he has practised to perfection by now, and carefully removes the glass and wine bottle from the desk. Marius is unable to snatch the items in time, so he opts for a helpless glare in Vincent’s direction.

“I’m not done yet,” he protests. 

“Yes, you are,” Vincent retorts smoothly, setting them down on another table at the other end of the room. Judging from the state he’s in, Marius is unlikely to make it to the other end of the room without landing flat on his face. “Payton will hold me responsible if I send you home completely wasted.”

“I already am, so it doesn’t matter,” he mutters, but is unable to muster the strength to get off his office chair. 

“How about going home now to get some rest?” Vincent suggests. “You must be tired.” Please please please go home so I can call it a day—

“Should I call her again? But I’ve already called her five times today and she hung up on me every time… Maybe I should look for her? No wait, I’m too drunk, she’ll be disgusted if I showed up like this. Or would she feel sorry for me and let me in and talk to me? What do you think, Vincent?”

I think I should consider a career switch. Vincent clears his throat. “I think you should get some sleep, and then come up with something when you can think more clearly.”

“You’re right.” 

Vincent breathes a sigh of relief. 

“Wake me up in fifteen minutes. I’ll take a power nap. And could you get me a cup of coffee so I can sober up? Please?” 

Before Vincent can get a word out, Marius is already removing his jacket, dumping it on the table and using it as a makeshift pillow for his head. Five seconds in and he’s already snoring softly. 

“I love my job. I. Love. My. Job.” Vincent chants the words over and over to himself like it’s a magic spell as he heads out the door to fetch his lovesick boss a cup of coffee. 


A/N: I had a [tbc maybe because i’m lazy] at the bottom of the word doc, and my friend had this to say:


and because i am a rebel:


:) happy new year @lilydally​ maybe this will be the year you finally beat me up instead of just making eMpTY tHrEaTs 
