#vintage childrens illustrations

Old fashioned things that made this weekend special:1. Finding one of my vintage children’s Old fashioned things that made this weekend special:1. Finding one of my vintage children’s Old fashioned things that made this weekend special:1. Finding one of my vintage children’s Old fashioned things that made this weekend special:1. Finding one of my vintage children’s Old fashioned things that made this weekend special:1. Finding one of my vintage children’s Old fashioned things that made this weekend special:1. Finding one of my vintage children’s

Old fashioned things that made this weekend special:
1. Finding one of my vintage children’s books which was still in a moving box. It has the most darling illustrations. I love the untamed curly hair of the little girl.
2. Observing the plants while on a walk with my daughter, where we found wildflowers (with the name Hillside Mountain-Stars), as well as miniature delicate ferns, and fragrant pink roses climbing up and over another bush.

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