#vlad opens his mouth




Danny walking into Clockworks tower: what are the odds of me getting Dan back into the thermos if I let him out?

Clockwork, confused, concerned, but also intrigued: you’re… not planning on letting him out, are you?

Danny: Vlad keeps asking me if I’m tired of being nice and if I want to go apeshit and this is the 9th time this week and it’s TUESDAY, I just want to show him what fucking happens when I’m fucking tired of being nice.

Clockwork:… you have a 30% chance.

Danny, grabbing the thermos: good enough.

He wasn’t planning on using it. Not at the moment at least. Vlad really was getting on his nerves but now that he had a few hours to cool a bit down since coming back from Clockwork he started to change his mind. He idly turned the thermos around, flying over the streets, watching Dan’s ugly mug dent catch in the light. It really was a miracle this thing held out at all.

“Ah, little badger!” and speaking of miracles, here are some curses, lookie who just appeared!

“I see you haven’t still haven’t got tired of playing goody two shoes. But don’t worry, i’m sure you will tire of it soon and grow up, joining me!” Vlad said all too smug, all too infuriating.

Danny stopped. He took a deep breath through his nose, the kind you do when you can feel a headache coming and its coming in bad and fast.



“YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT HAPPENS IF I GO APESHIT CHUCKLE FUCK? FINE! YOU CAN GO AHEAD AND FIND OUT!” and with that Danny tossed the dented thermos up in the air before saluting and fading out of visibility.

Vlad watched the thing soar up in an arch then clang on the concrete, curiously noting the little badger’s abrupt departure from the battle that barely even begin.

“Well… I can’t say i expected much from Daniel but this is still a dissapointme-” the thermos suddenly jerked on the ground, making more clacking noise catching Vlad’s attention. In its erratic movements it turned over, the manic grin shaped dent looking straight at him. He barely had a chance to frown at the weird thermos and shield his face as it broke at the cap sealing, letting out a pressurised hiss before simply exploding into smoking scrap.

A deep dark echoing chuckle made him look again, “And here I thought he might have finally accepted the inevitable, but oh well, here’s to hope if he gave me such a present after my long solitude.” Vlad lowers his arm to take a look at the new ghost that formed from the once was thermos.

White flaming hair with a tiny ponytail, pale teal colored skin, glowing red eyes and a fanged manic grin the exact match he saw on the thermos dent. All packed with a black and white caped jumpsuit… and a very familiar looking logo…

“Ah! And who you might be?”

An even darker chuckle was his answer, honestly Daniel can make such friends.

“Just what’s to come. Oh i’ll be so enjoying tearing you in two again!”


Is all Vlad manages to think before he learns his lesson the hard way and becomes intimately familiar with the pavement several hundred times.


Danny was waiting atop of the Nasty Burger with a brand new enhanced thermos, waiting for the inevitable of Dan trying to blow the place up to fulfill his stupid future when his phone rang with Jazz calling.

“Danny, why do I have several dozen eyeballs in my room having a panic attack!”
