

Vmin never fails to amaze me ❤️

- Chloé

Emotional advice if you go to the concert

This will not be another one of those stay hydrated, don’t forget your power banks and wear comfy clothes kinda rants. I rather want to talk about the emotional rollercoaster and how to handle it because Sis I’ve been there and you better prepare gurl ‍♀️

If you go to the concert for the first time things can get pretty overwhelming pretty fast. For example, I started to cry when I went into the arena for the first time because it hit me like ‘omg it’s happening!’ I will guarantee you an emotional rollercoaster. Since I’ve been to over 50 concerts in my life (including BTS) I’ve learnt some things over the years. So with this list I try to prepare you a little.

Before the concert:

If you’re like me, you’re probably all nervous and hyped up even days before and especially the day of the concert. Enjoy it! Seriously if anyone tells you to calm down just ignore it. So don’t suppress your excitement. That being said it’s important to keep a clear mind. Don’t be so excited that you forget to pack things (like the Tickets?!). Eat eat eat! Your body needs it more than ever AND don’t drink too much coffee or ice tea that day. Believe me this will make everything worse because your body already produces a lot of adrenaline so just let that be enough. A little suga® () is good so take that! Last but not least: sleep well the night before the concert. You’ll need it because it’ll be a long day. And if you’re tired you won’t enjoy the concert the same.

At the concert:

Okay this is like my personal opinion but don’t take too much pictures and videos. I know exactly how you feel. The melody of the next song starts playing and you get so excited that you feel the urge to film everything. But don’t. Seriously just look at them with your eyes and sing and dance along. Your mind will save that memory if you make it a great one. But you won’t remember much by staring through your phone lense the whole time. If there are songs you want to film then you could check the setlist beforehand so you’ll know when they play it so you don’t have to think ‘oh are they gonna play it now? Or now? What about now?’ Just use all your senses to soak in the concert. How does the whole stadium look like? what do you smell? How does your body feel? Take a minute to look around at other armys. Maybe say hello to some or smile at them. Always take care of others, like don’t be that one annoying person who bothers everyone around them. Don’t be selfish. If someone can’t see shit because of you then that’s just dumb. During the concert do whatever feels right. If you feel like you wanna dance crazy - do it! No one cares how you look like they’re too busy staring at BTS. If you wanna cry - do it! If you just wanna sit there peacefully and listen and watch - do it! Just do whatever feels right. If BTS asks you to join them with singing or any other activity don’t be that ‘too cool’ person to do it. Honestly if thousands of people do it with you that feels amazing.

After the concert:

They’ve sang their last song and left the stage. You stay there a little longer but eventually leave the stadium and return back to your hotel/home. It’ll be quiet outside and dark once the concert’s finished. You now start to realize that it is over. The post-concert-depression is a real thing and should be taken seriously. It’s absolutely normal if you feel miserable for the next few days. You just had such a great time and want to go back. So what I usually do is just listen to their songs again, search up pictures and videos from the concert (which are on social media fanpages from armys). I try to tell myself how lucky I am that I could experience that and how beautiful it is to feel these intense emotions. Emotions are good. They make us human. Cherish them. Even the sad ones.

So and that’s my advice. Basically just forget your phone and be there 100% to enjoy it! I swear you will remember it so clearly if you really soak it in. So, I wish you a great concert and stay singing along!

- Chloé
