#voice chat


Twitter’s Spaces live audio chat feature being tested by selected users

Twitter’s Spaces live audio chat feature being tested by selected users

Twitter has been testing out a lot of features recently, with some proving more successful than others. The latest test is called Spaces and it’s a feature that allows users to create “spaces” where they can have live audio chat sessions with others.
The test is limited to a very select number of users at the moment, but could prove a very interesting addition to its suite of features if released…

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Free teamspeak for iOS download today!

The free teamspeak for iOS download is today until the 23rd! I recommend taking advantage of it :)

Signal boosting. Even though I have an Android phone. (oh here’s a link from Google Play!)

Thanks for the signal boost. :D This means it’s probably time for me to reblog this as well, haha.  Take advantage of this great deal, people!  I was a paid user for the first app, and I use it on a near-daily basis.  Definitely worth it if you use teamspeak at all on your computer.

(As an aside, even though I love my iphone, I’m super jealous of Android users!  I really want to play Ingress. :l)
