#voicebox comedy


Voicebox Comedy Svengali, superstar poet/comedian Marcus Keeley wanted to capture the surreal humour of Voicebox Comedy nights at The Loft, Belfast  with a docudrama feel and enlisted services of the great Stephen Mullan. 


Since 2008, Voicebox Comedy has provided a great space for alternative comedy and experimentation, both in general and for me personally.  The night allowed me to create and perform strange characters such as Defective Deckard 237, Dermot H. Dark MaterialsandLivid Lorcan, which I wouldn’t have done otherwise. (Well, I might have done them in my bedroom to the usual action figure audience). Some will reappear in my current show Rural Irish Geek  at the Black Box, Belfast on February 7th. 

This recording (on October 30th 2015) was prescient as the Loft was forced to close its doors but Voicebox Comedy will resurface in some form somewhere, it always does. In the mean time here’s a glimpse into our bizarre Friday night BYOB comedy world: 

Part One:  Featuring Marcus Keeley, Brian Kielt,Adam Laughlin,Graeme Watson,Mary Flanigan and Caitlin Magnall-Kearns. 

Part Two: John Patrick Higgins,Ruaidhrí Ward ,Lorcan McGrane,George Firehorse and Marcus Keeley. Filmed and edited by Stephen Mullan. Recorded on 30th October 2015 at LOFT Belfast.
