#vol circus act



this month’s evaluation is a nightmare.

ithas to be. but as days go by and he doesn’t wake up, woong is forced to accept that variety month is a reality. he knows how to make his friends laugh and his sisters think he’s hilarious, but neither of them count in his eyes. entertaining an audience of strangers – that is the tricky part. but as much as he dislikes the idea, he supposes this, too, is part of being an idol.

( does he even want to be an idol? he still isn’t sure. )

woong isn’t expecting any company, especially not that of the one person in trc who makes him the most nervous. his eyes widen in surprise when she sits with him and starts a conversation. he blinks, once, then twice. it’s not like he wants to be afraid of her. and it’s not her fault, either. he’s easily intimidated by everyone he meets, though their first encounter hadn’t done much to help. but if he wants to stop being so nervous around her, he should at least try and talk to her.

it would be a step in the right direction, for sure.

“honestly? i’m not sure,” he admits, a nervous chuckle falling from his lips. “i don’t think i’m very funny or interesting. but i guess i’m flexible, so that’s better than nothing.” the corners of his mouth curl up into a small smile, fingers curling into the fabric of his pants. woong doesn’t know why he’s telling her that, why his heart spills his doubts to someone he barely knows. maybe he’s finally had enough. the dancer stays silent for a moment before asking, “what about you?”

this month’s evaluation isn’t something that she enjoys whatsoever.  she knows all too well what people think of her, knows for certain that variety isn’t something she’ll be good at since she’s not even the slightest bit funny.  perhaps jei shouldn’t keep dwelling on the past and everything that people said about her during the mgas, but now that she’s in trc, it’s too hard not to let the voices of the past haunt her.  because every time she turns around, there’s another memory and another reminder.

this was a venture to make her stop thinking, though.  a venture to stave off the lonely moments and the quiet times when her head swims with too much thought, and jei supposes that trc is doing that job well enough.  right now, all that she can think about is getting this month over with.  maybe next month will be something better, something different  -  

but there’s a part of her that doesn’t mind the challenge.  that part is one that jei keeps to herself.

she knows all too well that he’s scared of her.  it’s written in his eyes, and the subtle body language whenever he catches a glimpse.  jei can’t be sorry for it, though.  not when their first encounter actually got both him and dongmin through the doors of trc on their first day.  honestly, jei still isn’t so sure they would even be seen around the building if she hadn’t pushed them inside that day.  maybe that’s something they won’t ever really know.

either way, they’re both trying today.  they don’t really have a choice since they’re both grouped together.

“ i don’t think we have to be funny for this.  i’m pretty sure everyone in the world knows i’m not funny by now.” jei says flatly, tucking hair back behind her ear.  " it’s a circus, but we don’t have to act like clowns.“  she trails off, brow furrowing with a frown on her lips.  ” we can dance, though.  what if we pretended we were on a trapeze or something?“

variety is hardly a skill that suits her.

jei knows all too well what people think of her: that she isn’t funny, that she brings people down, that she’s got ice in her veins.  none of these things are something that she inherently considers a problem, but after the mgas, not being funny has become a bit of a trauma for her.  as if being a leader wasn’t hard enough, on top of everything else, apparently she had to go above and beyond to make jokes, too.  people really know nothing about what it takes to stand up and really lead.

but this month’s evaluation is probably going to be her worst nightmare.  so much comedy is tied into variety; it’s almost expected that idols are meant to make people laugh nowadays.  there are other shows with roles that she thinks she’d perhaps be better suited to.  at the very least, the role she was given to act out for this evaluation itself was easy enough.

after all, circus performers are fairly flexible, are they not?  (  well.  at least some of them.  )

as much as she may not want to considering his obvious fear of her  -  which is funny in and of itself considering she saved his ass from getting kicked out of trc on the first day for not showing up  -  jei approaches woong and sits in front of him, tilting her head without much of an expression on her face.  " so? what are you showing off? you know … for the circus.“

˟ ▀  &.@rkwoong
