#vol tag wars



with how much is said about trc being the most strict company and how hard it is to get into, taehyung never expected to play games for an evaluation. maybe he should’ve, with how much he idolizes tiger jk and his casual attitude for many things. and honestly, taehyung appreciates it. he needs some lighthearted fun after the last month he’s had to endure.

maybe he’s a little too loud as he bounds down the hallways, giggling and shoes slapping on the hard floors. he’s pulled a grand total of zero name tags, and has done mostly a lot of running away ( just because he’s fast ) and trying to psyche out other trainees. he wants to win, he really does, but he can’t stop giggling long enough to pull a name tag.

and right now is no different really. he’s grinning ear to ear as he peeks out from behind a corner, left hand tucked behind his own back so he could hold his own name tag to protect it. there are shouts and other clamoring in the distance, but taehyung doesn’t see anyone. he looks back behind him to make sure he’s only, before spotting jei way too close. the boy yelps and jumps in shock, turning on his heels to face her and spluttering.

“h-how did you sneak up on me like that? you weren’t going to take my name tag were you, noona?” he feigns a pout, but his smile is quick to return, the boy bouncing on his feet to act like he’s light and fast.

she’s not really sure why taehyung is trying to be so damn loud in a game that obviously requires stealth and skill.  either that, or a good group of teammates but jei knows better than to trust anyone.  a game like this leads to the inevitable pitting of one against the other, and she’d rather not take the time to feel guilty if it ends up being her against a squad member.

taehyung obviously doesn’t seem to care about anything, though.  laughing like an idiot, shoes slapping on the floors, it’s like he’s lapsed back into being a child rather than taking this seriously.  it takes her a minute to realize that maybe she’s the weird one for taking a game seriously.  then again, this is an evaluation and that makes it part of work.  no matter how excitable the other trainees get about it, they’re still going to be graded on their skill level.

that makes her way of thinking right in her eyes.  but that doesn’t mean that she’s right in the slightest.

her lips purse when taehyung catches her sneaking up on him and she backs away quickly so that he can’t reach out to grab her own tag, clicking her tongue.  “ because you’re running around like an idiot and can’t hear anything going on around you.” she says blandly, shaking her hair out of her eyes.  “ or maybe i’m just good at stealth games.  you’ll probably never know.”

honestly? running around and playing games was not on jei’s list of things to do today, but schedules at trc can be surprising.  running man had never really interested her, and it was hardly on her top things to watch whenever she had the chance to watch television.  but considering the topic of evaluations of the month, perhaps it was inevitable that one of the most popular variety shows would end up a hot topic of one of their focused weeks.  she should have known better than to think otherwise.

the thing about jei is though, that once she starts something  (  or in this case, when she’s forced into it  )  she does her best at it.  perhaps it’s her stubborn nature, or maybe jei is just really competitive at heart and likes to win after a life of losing things she didn’t want to.  so she’s already managed to grab two name tags by sneaking around on quiet feet.  her eyes catch taehyung, already bouncing around like the oddly excitable pup he is and she shakes her head.  this would be too easy.

that means she should go for it, doesn’t it?

˟ ▀  &.@rkxtae
