#voltron review


Ok so thoughts on s8

  • - Allurance was rushed and God do I hate when ppl get the characters together last minute like in a fucking midlife crisis just to get it done bc ‘the fans would be happy’ (lol jokes on them they chose the wrong ship) I’ve had this damn experience with young justice like ugh just let us imagine it, don’t make it canon in a rush if you don’t have the time or don’t want to actually develop/build up a romantic relationship.
  • - ok but I loved the Klance moments in it?? It warmed my heart like aww look where they’ve come
  • - ok but captain shiro was still smoking hot I’d 100% let him take me
  • - if only y'all would’ve worn the right socks s m h
  • - coran deserved that trophy man’s got so many hidden talents wow show me a more impressive character I dare you lmao
  • - tbh I was getting so tired of honerva draining the energy out of every fucking thing that gave us hope in like 5 fucking seconds like wth woman stop let me live would you, just a minute huh??
  • I want Hunk to cook me I’m so damn picky but those meals were just muah✨ perfection
  • Allura needs to chill with that dark entity
  • I almost cried when I saw the old paladins I’m a huge nostalgia hoe and UGH THE FEELS
  • Ok but Allura’s dad..take me (I’m into tall, charismatic, intelligent guys sue me)
  • I’m horrible with names but the original blue paladin is the guy I want to party with
  • I’m sad we didn’t get to see much of our baby boy James bc I was so here for it, the time they were having the most awkward lunch with Acxa was just precious
  • KEITH MY BOY IM SO PROUD LOOK AT HIM they grow up so fast :’)