#vote blue no matter who




The good news is, as you see, all of these things passed the house because Dems have the majority. The bad news is they might not pass in the Senate if this is indicative of how the GOP will vote.

…But there’s zero difference between the two parties, right? This divide down parties lines is just a huuuuge coincidence, yeah?

Vote. Get out and vote no matter what obstacles the reds have put in place. Vote blue no matter who.

Any lazy or bad Democrat is better than any “good” Republican.

In your local elections, vote Democrat across the board. If they are “non-partisan” do your research: find out how the candidates have aligned themselves so they don’t sneak a ReThug in as an “independent” or “moderate”.

Vote Democrat this time and every time, even if you haven’t gotten what you wanted from the previous election. If you don’t vote, you allow the ReThugs to win by default.

The ReThugs want a national ban on all abortions. Fine with them if the born babies starve to death. They want White Nationalist terrorism to go on, because terror serves their purpose of keeping you in line. They want the powerful corporations to make record profits, because in return the ReThug politicians get corrupt campaign donations. Fine with them if your folks go hungry and cold because prices have gone up too high.

Vote blue. Vote blue no matter who.

That’s the only way to save our lives.


If you are 18+ and from the US, care about POC, women, LGBT+, climate change, health care, defeating covid, defeating white supremacist’s, etc. you need to vote. If you haven’t sent in your mail in ballot at this point, go vote in person and surrender the old ballot. Make a plan to get to the polling location. Wait in line, no matter how long it takes. Know your voting rights. Know the phone numbers to call incase the Trump “poll watchers” are there, or other forms of voter suppression happen. 

If Trump wins again, people will literally die. You think the covid numbers are bad now? Do not protest vote for Kanye, do not vote third party, do not stay home and say there’s no point. Get your ass to the polls and vote. Yell at your lazy ass friends who told you they’re not voting.

This is it, guys. This is our last chance. We are not getting a do-over. Do not repeat 2016.

ISO political artwork

In Search Of artwork to use for a Facebook cover photo with a political message.

Anything like:

  • Abolish Ice
  • Close The Camps
  • Vote Blue, No Matter Who

It’d be a great idea to for people to flood social medias with it but until then I definitely want it on my page. Does anyone know of artists who have already put this kind of work out there and could direct me to their stuff? Thanks!
