#vulcan logic



You can’t choose not to be angry, but you can choose not to take your anger out on other people.

You can’t choose not to be sad, but you can choose to manage your sadness in a constructive way.

You can’t choose not to be jealous, but you can choose to work through it in a healthy manner.

You can’t choose not to be anxious, but you can choose not to make it someone else’s responsibility.

Controlling what you feel is an impossible mission, but you can and should work on controlling how you act on your emotions.

Logic would dictate you are wrong.

I can too perfectly choose not to be any of those things. I may feel them, however, one can control their emotions by choice and how I act upon them. As such, the use of the word “can’t” is an inaccurate statement, regardless of the choice of action taken.

Case in point: One can choose to be angry about what I say. One can chose an action based upon that anger. One can equally choose not to be angry about what I say. As such, one has chosen an action based upon that decision, rendering the subsequent choice irrelevant.
