#wahhh this is great



Present!Emmet is sitting on the ground, hugging his knees, while future!Emmet stands on the other side of the train tracks in their mindscape, watching him. Present!Emmet says "You know..."ALT
Close-up on Present!Emmet. He is looking behind him while continuing what he said in the previous panel: "If your plan does work, it's verrry likely you'll cease to exist."ALT
Closeup on future!Emmet, who is half-smiling and looking down at present!Emmet. Unlike present!Emmet he has long, messy hair, a goatee, and isn't wearing a tie.ALT
Future!Emmet lowers his head, causing his hat brim to cast a shadow on his face that hides his eyes. He says "Perhaps..."ALT
Still a closeup on future!Emmet, but now from the side. His eyes are still hidden. He says "But if that's true, that also means"ALT
A closeup on present!Emmet again while future!Emmet is still talking out of frame. Future!Emmet continues from the previous panel: "If my plan does work, you will never have to worry about turning into me." Present!Emmet stares ahead of him, looking disturbed by the suggestion.ALT

I was in the process of writing an ask to @nartothelar about their possessed!Emmet AU that has me full of emotions but halfway through I got this idea for a small exchange between the Emmets and I wanted to sketch it out so it would’ve just be an ask with some dialogue so here take it
