#wake of the clash


Last call for Wake Q&A!!

Part one will be posted next wednesday, pith a return to normal updates on June 8th, so leave your questions here or on the sites below or in the replies of this post before then!

As always, thanks for reading, the wait is nearly over!



I love him, your honor….

Going a little hard for the Q&A… Just a reminder that you can leave questions here in the replies or over on TapasorWebtoon!


Airstrike: So what’s your power?

Ghost: Telekinesis.

Airstrike: Oh cool, that’s like, mind-reading right?

Racer: No-

Airstrike: Quick, I’m thinking of a letter, what is it?

Ghost: 3

Racer: That’s a number-

Airstrike: Wow that’s right!


colored sketch of Sherrin Sato an Liam from Wake of the Clash
sketch of Sherrin Sato from Wake of the Clash
Comic panel from Wake of the Clash. the heroes and the detectives stand on a rooftop at night discussing. Noah Sato sits next to his sister, Sherrin, who is standing above him holding some papers. he says "Like thats ever stopped him" Sherrin's speech bubbles are partially cut off but she says "Glass is probably alteady inside."

Some late-game sketches of Sherrin’s PI outfit. Used to have this idea that she would lend Liam her coat for the gallery floor sequence but it looked a little too silly, even for me aaahah! I liked drawing her though!

Chapter covers for Webcomic Day!!!

Apparently it’s Webcomic Day, so I’m showing off some of my favorite pages so far! It’s a nice feeling to be able to settle into a hobby that makes you laugh to yourself, not necessarily because of what you’re drawing, but just because you really like drawing it.

Page ones for those interested: Tapas||Webtoon

preview image of The Hourglass vaulting over Airstrike as she flies by. He holds onto his hat with one hand and smiles wide. there is text that reads: Chapter 5 Page 11, Wake of the Clash

Wake of the ClashQ&A!

Q&A coming in the next month!! No regular pages in the coming weeks so I can just chill a bit and settle into work stuff! Readers, comment on the bottom of either page with your questions, (or leave a reply on this post, actually)! I’m not picky!



sketch page of Ghost from Wake of the Clash in various superhero costume designs

Just wanna draw the boy in a costume. Is that too much to ask?

Anna, Tanner, and Liam as three year olds. Little Anna has a big grin and a bandaid on her knee. she is holding a superhero toy. Little Tanner returns her smile, timidly. he is wearing a nice sweater and scuffed shorts. Little Liam sits crouched with his arms crossed over his knees oberving the toy in Anna's hand. His t-shirt has three ghost characters on it.

Wake of the Clash is three today! Lookit her go! Walking in a straight line, jumping with two feet, throwing tantrums etc etc…

Happy May, heist fans! Been itching to show off the progress on my uber-special-super-not-so-secret project i’ve been working on since january! You KNOW i love a black and white comic!! Look at this artwork I am so proud of!

The current plan is to draw out the 23 page introductory heist sequence for the Hourglass graphic novel I wrote during nanowrimo last year and put it up for kicks and giggles starting December 31st 2022. We’ll see if I follow through, Wake still takes priority of course, but I can’t help enjoy myself being able to work in monochrome!!

No plans to work past the first heist and through the rest of the story yet, but for those like me who love to see a flashy thief run… It’ll be a good time!

Rifling through my OLD OLD OLD art again, and getting nostalgic! Gosh, I still feel like these kinda hold up though aaahah!


Wake of the Clash interludes!!!

This week regarding: Hourglass’ day out, character design, and Yoshiko’s beloved backgroundies.



Rifling through my OLD OLD OLD art again, and getting nostalgic! Gosh, I still feel like these kinda hold up though aaahah!
