#wake the dead fanfic



Book:Wake the Dead

Pairing: m!MC (Talan Archer) x Eli Sipes x Shannon Fox (it’s the end of the world; I can throuple if I want)

Word count: 6100 (+/-)

Music Inspo: “Failure” - Breaking Benjamin

Warning: language; zOmBiEs; conspiracy theories of current events; very bad science; ⛔ may contain spoilers

AN: Last weekend was @wtdapreciationweek, and I wanted to do something fanfiction wise because I LOOOOVE this game so much… but of course, you know your girl is going to be late. So, I came up with this cluster of a fic out of pure, self-indulgence. Please remember: this is all in good, silly fun; please do not take any of this seriously.

AN 2:To my amazing writing partner-in-crime @kat-tia801 : thanks for helping a sister out! The things I put you through… lol These characters and some plots belong to our friends at Pixelberry.


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Gonna start off with I can drop the f bomb? because holy FUCK

This was beyond amazing.

You had me laughing- ‘shopping for a bull in a China shop’, the twinkies surviving the zombie ‍♀️ apocalypse and being whipped (FRIENDS came to mind)

The whole pandemic tie in

Shannon is a freaking bad ass. Loved her when they introduced her in WTD and here she is all that and more (makes me want to pick up where I left off in WTD, I’m horrible I know )





That came from left field (possibly another reference Angel and the other may not understand )

Where can I get some more of this? I want to know King Liam’s next move!!

Side note: if Liam is behind this, can the tracker stay in the arm? Asking for a friend. (you know, in case a one on one with him is needed)

A-MAZ-ING phenomenal job friend ☺️
