#walker rpf



Rough Start

Chapter 1,Chapter 2,Chapter3,Chapter 4,Chapter 5,Chapter 6,Chapter 7,Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12

Want to read an incredible, on-going Jensen story that includes Jared and Gen?? If so, look no further than this one by @kazsrm67!!! I thought I would give the first chapter a read to see if it was something I might be interested in reading and wound up binging all available chapters!!! I cannot wait to see what happens next!! ❤️❤️

Summary:You tell the kids about your pregnancy and go for your first scan on Gen’s birthday.
Jared x Reader x Gen, Jensen, Danneel, Tom, Shep, Dallas (OC), Amanda (OC), Alison (OC)
Warnings:pregnancy, mild angst, slight panic

I Know Your Wife - Masterpost

“Will it matter that I’m pregnant?”

You heard Amanda gasp from her end of the phone before she let out a little squeal of excitement.

You are?” she clarified, and you hummed an affirmative.

“Pretty sure,” you confirmed. “Around twelve weeks, we think. Got our first scan tomorrow so nobody knows yet.”

Oh my God, congratulations!” she gushed. “That’s so amazing.

“Thank you,” you smiled. “But it’s super hush-hush until we’ve scanned and checked that everything is okay. Nobody knows but me, Jared, and Genevieve. We haven’t even told the kids yet.”

Of course,” she agreed. “To answer your question, I don’t think it should be an issue. They’ll need to animate your face, get a feeling for the way you talk and move, but other than that it’s mostly voice work so any bump can’t really interfere too much.

You instinctively placed your hand under your sweater, feeling the slight bump that had already started to form. 

“Well, in that case, let them know I’m interested,” you told her. “I’ll discuss it with the others and get back to you tomorrow, but in the meantime they can draw up a contract, I guess.”

Fab, I’ll let them know,” Amanda replied. “Congrats again, Y/N.

“Thank you,” you repeated, saying goodbye and ending the call.

You turned to look at the door when it was pushed open, revealing Tom, shuffling on his feet.

“What’s up, buddy?” you asked, and he shrugged.

“Are you having a baby?” he asked, and you laughed softly, leaning back against the headboard and encouraging him over.

He came in and sat beside you, and you wrapped your arm around his shoulder and rested your head on top of his.

“You heard that, huh?” you asked, pressing a kiss into his hair.

“I didn’t mean to listen,” he insisted. “I didn’t know you were on the phone.”

“It’s okay,” you assured him, pulling back enough to look at him. “We were gonna tell you all tomorrow, anyway. We just wanted to have the scan first, but it’s okay.”

He nodded, leaning into you again.

“Are you okay?” you asked, softly.

“Yeah,” he sighed. “Just… you still love us, right? Me and Shep?”

“Of course,” you answered, instantly. “Of course I do. You’re our boys, and this new baby isn’t gonna change that at all, okay?”

He nodded against you, wrapping his arms around your middle.

“My love isn’t finite,” you murmured, realising straight away that he might not understand you. “I mean, there’s not a set amount of love that I’m able to give. Another baby won’t take anything away from how I feel about you, or your brother or sister.”

You looked down, able to see his brows pulling down into a frown, so you kissed the top of his head.

“I didn’t carry you or Sheppy, I haven’t been here for your whole life, I know that. But my mama didn’t carry me, and I never have to doubt that her and Uncle Jay love me, regardless.”

He nodded again, and you brought your hand up to hold his head against you.

“I love you boys,” you reiterated. “And me and your dad and your mom are all gonna keep loving you whatever happens.”

“Good,” he mumbled, and you pulled back in order to look into his eyes again.

“So is it okay that you’re gonna have another sibling?” you asked, and he nodded.

“As long as they’re cool,” he agreed, making you laugh and ruffle his hair.

“With me as a mom, how could they not be?”


You’d opted to go with private scans throughout this pregnancy, wanting Jared to be able to attend despite the pandemic, and you were so very grateful that it was an option for you. 

Seeing as Jared barely got to be with you through the entirety of your pregnancy with Dallas, whether it was due to filming schedules or just not wanting to be seen together, he was understandably keen to be there for the milestones this time around.

You had both had recent negative COVID tests before the appointment, and Jared was practically buzzing with excitement as you were led to the room.

“So, how are you feeling, Mama?” your sonographer asked once you were settled, and you laughed as you lifted your sweater over your bump when prompted.

“Pretty good, considering,” you told her. “Bigger bump this time but it has just been Christmas so…”

“It’s perfectly normal to start showing sooner with subsequent pregnancies,” Alison reminded you, laughing at your quip. “I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about.”

“That’s what I’ve been telling her,” Jared insisted from behind his mask. “I might have to confiscate the bathroom scales.”

“Alright,” the sonographer began, squeezing the gel onto your bare stomach. “Let’s have a look, shall we?”

She flicked the screen on, angling it so that you or Jared couldn’t see it properly for the time being.

You smiled to yourself as you heard the familiar whooshing sound, turning your head to look at Jared, his eyes crinkling in a way that let you know he was smiling behind his mask.

“Oh, wow,” Alison murmured, turning the screen so that you could see what she was looking at. “Congratulations, Mama.”

You swallowed, squinting to make sure you were seeing what you thought you were. You blinked to clear your vision, sure that you must have been seeing double, but when you opened your eyes again the same image was there.

“Twins?” you clarified, and she nodded, leaning in for a closer look herself.

“Twins,” she confirmed, moving the probe to get a better look. “Measuring at twelve and two. Does that sound right to you?”

You looked at Jared, feeling your heart rate pick up.

“Jesus,” you murmured, and he let out a small laugh of agreement.

“It’s, uh,” he began, “Yeah, about twelve weeks.”

Your mind was still reeling as you looked back at the screen, at the image of the two lives that were growing inside you.

“By the looks of things, they share a placenta,” Alison told you, and you frowned, instant panic setting in.

“What- what does that mean?” you asked, reaching for Jared. “Are they okay?”

Jared took your hand, squeezing slightly to try and calm you down while also looking concerned.

“They’re fine,” Alison assured you. “Perfectly normal. It happens in around two thirds of monozygotic twins.”

“Monozygotic?” you asked, and she nodded.


“Holy shit,” you murmured, apologising instantly for your language.

“We’ve got this,” Jared assured you, and you raised your eyebrows at him.

“Have we?” you questioned, letting go of his hand to rub at your forehead. “Have we really? I think I might be on the verge of a breakdown.”

“That’s understandable,” Alison smiled. “This is a lot of information at once, huh?”

“Yeah,” you laughed, running your other hand through your hair. “This was supposed to be a fun scan.”

“Hey,” Jared chastised, placing a hand on your shoulder.

He squeezed, making you look up at him as your hand was still tugging lightly at your scalp.

“Baby, breathe. We’re gonna be okay,” he promised, and you took a deep breath. “I know you’re freaking out, but we really have got this. We can handle two babies.”

“And a threenager,” you added. “And seven and eight year old boys.”

“Yeah, we can,” he said, with enough confidence that you actually started to believe him. “I love you, and I love these little guys or gals.”

You laughed, looking back at the screen to see your sonographer had paused on a still image of your babies, giving you a chance to get a proper look at them.

“I guess that explains the bigger bump,” you joked, squeezing Jared’s hand at your shoulder before meeting Alison’s eye. “Sorry, this was… superunexpected.”

“Nothing to apologise for,” she told you. “I’ll get some of these printed and then we can discuss how we move forward.”

“Move forward?” you questioned.

“More regular scans,” Jared explained, looking at Alison for confirmation. “Dee had them every couple of weeks with Arrow and Zep in the third trimester.”

“More scans,” Alison confirmed. “Though with identical twins it’s usually suggested to come in every two weeks from the sixteen week mark.”

You nodded, looking up at Jared and squeezing his hand weakly.

“Well,” he nodded to himself, squeezing back. “At least I’ll get to be at more of the scans this time.”


The plan had always been to put one of the scan pictures inside Gen’s birthday card. You’d known for a while that your scan would be on the morning of her birthday, she’d encouraged it, even, so you and Jared had figured it would’ve been a fun extra surprise to put the scan in her card.

On your drive home, you were having a few doubts about whether that would be a good idea.

“I just think that this is kind of big news,” you reasoned when Jared asked why you were worried. “Like, maybe we should actually talk to her about it beforehand, approach it with a bit more caution.”

“Alright, Y/N, you need to stop,” he told you, and you looked over at him as he drove, seeing his jaw tick.

“Baby,” you began, but he shook his head.

“You’ve been acting like this is bad news,” he informed you. “I know we weren’t expecting this, I know you’re feeling anxious, but this isn’t bad news. We have two healthy babies. That’s… that’s amazing news.”

You watched him carefully, not having realised how your own anxiety was manifesting in a way that was affecting him negatively.

You reached over, taking his hand that he had rested on his thigh and bringing it up to your lips, pressing a kiss to his knuckles.

“I’m sorry,” you mumbled against his skin.

“I get that you’re nervous,” he insisted, “I am a bit, too. But we’ve got this.”

“I know,” you agreed. “I’m sorry, I love you and these babies.”

He nodded, and you kissed his hand again before letting go.

You picked your purse up onto your lap, finding Gen’s card and opening the unsealed envelope.

“Yeah?” Jared asked, carefully eyeing what you were doing.

“Yeah,” you confirmed, putting a scan inside the card and sealing it. “It’s a fun surprise, right?”

“Exactly,” he smiled. “She’s gonna be so excited.”


She was, indeed, so excited.

“Holy sh…ucks!” she self-corrected, not wanting to swear in front of the kids. “Is this real?”

“Yup,” you smiled, her grin infectious.

“Oh my God,” she laughed, leaning over and kissing you firmly. “Best birthday ever.”

“Wassat?” Dallas asked, not following at all.

“It’s a picture of the baby,” Tom explained.

You’d decided to tell Dallas and Shep last night after Tom had found out on his own, and they all seemed to be enthusiastic about the idea of another sibling.

“Babies,” you corrected, making them frown until Jared encouraged them over to him to look at one of the scans.

“Mama Y/N has two babies in her belly,” he explained, and Shep gasped.

“Twins?” he asked, and you nodded.

“Arry and Zep?” Dallas questioned, making you laugh.

“Kinda like Arrow and Zep,” you agreed, looking at Gen. “But, uh. Identical.”

“Holy moly,” she breathed, her hand finding your bump. “That’s incredible. Congratulations, sweetie.”

“You’re not freaked out?” you asked, quietly, and she shook her head.

“Three of us, two babies,” she reasoned. “This is gonna be an adventure. I can’t wait.”

You laughed softly, carding a hand into her hair.

“Happy birthday,” you murmured, and she grinned.

“The happiest.”


You contacted your agent about your situation, knowing that needing to be at scans so often wouldn’t be ideal for starting a new job, and she said she’d get back to you after relaying the information to the developers.

After your chat with Jared in the car, and the excited reaction from Gen and the kids, you allowed yourself to be a little more enthusiastic about the idea of having twins.

“Have you told your mom?” Gen asked around her toothbrush that night, and you shook your head before spitting in the sink.

“They didn’t even know we were trying,” you told her, lifting your shirt and looking at your bump in the mirror. “They have no idea.”

“You’re gonna… you’re gonna tell them before you announce it though, right?” she checked, and you laughed, running your hands over your stomach.

“Yeah, gonna message in a sec,” you promised. “Thought I’d just ask if she still has the double stroller and see how she reacts.”

Gen laughed, rinsing her mouth.

“What?” you grinned. “Too subtle?”

“So good,” she agreed, pulling you into a kiss.

She crouched quickly to kiss your bump before grabbing your hands and leading you through to the bedroom. 

Jared was sitting on your bed, looking at the ultrasound images with a smile on his face.

“Y/N’s gonna tell her parents,” Gen told him, grinning as she handed you her phone.

You smiled at her excitement, sitting down next to Jared as he opened his arm, allowing you to curl into him as you opened up a message to Danneel.

Hey Mama, do you still have the stroller you had for Arrow and Zep when they were tiny? The one that let them lay flat, I mean?

You showed the message to Jared, getting his approval before sending it.

“You’re mean,” he joked, kissing the top of your head as you waited on a reply.

“She might be asleep,” Gen mentioned, turning the bedside lamps on and switching the main light off as Jared’s hand came to rest on your stomach.

“She’s typing,” you grinned before reading her response.

I think it’s in storage in the Austin house, why?

You bit your lip as you typed your reply, full of excited anticipation for her reaction.

Can we borrow it in like… six months?

Almost as soon as the message had been delivered, you were receiving a FaceTime request from Danneel.

“Hey,” you smiled, holding the phone so that all three of you were in the frame.

“Holy fuckin’ shit, you actually are pregnant,” Danneel said in place of a greeting.

“Who said anything about being pregnant?” Gen asked, and Danneel rolled her eyes.

Dits asks about a stroller and I call and all three of you are sat there with shit-eating grins on your faces,” she reasoned, making all of you laugh softly. “So, who is it? Am I getting another niece or nephew, or another grandbaby?

You looked at Jared, biting your lip as you nodded at him to answer.

“Another couple of grandbabies, if that’s alright with you?”

Wait, you’re actually having twins?” she asked, her eyes going wide with excitement as you confirmed it, and you watched as she got to her feet and headed into her bathroom.

You laughed as she approached Jensen, whose mouth was full of toothpaste and expression was one of mild irritation.

No paparazzi,” he complained, but your mom didn’t care at all.

Say hi to your daughter,” she insisted, her camera pointed at both herself and Jensen as he spat into the sink. “And your unborn grandbabies.

He spluttered, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand as he looked between Danneel and her phone in complete shock.

Babies?” he repeated. “As in, more than one?

“Twins,” you confirmed, Jared holding up one of the scans for emphasis. “Identical.”

Holy fuckin’ shit,” he murmured, making you laugh again.

“Y'all need to watch your language in front of my babies,” you teased, and they grinned at each other. “You’re happy?”

This is big, sweetheart,” Jensen smiled. “Congratulations. Were y'all trying, or…?

“Yeah,” Jared laughed. “It was actually planned this time-”

“Apart from the twin thing,” you interrupted. “I’m still kinda freaking out about that.”

Understandable,” Danneel smiled. “Took me a while to get my head around it, too. You’re gonna be absolutely fine though, baby. No need to stress.

“Thank you,” you smiled back, encouraged by their joy and enthusiasm. “D’ya think Grandma will be willing to make another couple stockings?”

Jensen laughed, putting his arm around Danneel as he nodded.

“She’s got a whole year, I’m sure she can handle it,” he assured you. “She’s gonna be so excited.

You smiled, leaning further into Jared’s side.

“This is kinda exciting, isn’t it?” you laughed, and Jared squeezed your shoulders.

Finally, she realises,” he teased, looking at Jensen and Danneel. “She’s been a real bummer about this whole thing since the scan.”

Our Dits? Having a freakout? I don’t believe it,” Danneel joked, making you roll your eyes.

“There’stwo whole people in my uterus right now,” you argued. “That’s cause for freaking out.”

“Also cause for celebration,” Gen reminded you.

Loads of celebrations,” Danneel agreed, breaking off into a yawn. “But also lots of rest. We need to sleep and so do you, look after those babies.

“Yes, ma’am,” you smiled. “I’ll call back tomorrow to tell the kids.”

JJ’s gonna freak,” Jensen told you, grinning. “Congrats again, guys. Can’t wait to congratulate you in person.

“Thanks, man,” Jared smiled.

You said your goodnights and hung up the call, smiling as you got under the covers.

“Feeling better?” Gen asked, laying down beside you.

“Yeah,” you told her. “Yeah, I actually am.”

“Good,” Jared murmured, turning out the lamp with a yawn of his own. “Now get some sleep. Got some babies to grow.”


HI it’s me, Jamie! Please leave questions for Ditto in the comments/IMs for a little Q&A in a later part! Thanks bbs

@monkeyluver4546​, @pottergirlpotterworld​​, @youaremyfiveever​​​​​​​, @capnbuck-tiltheend-oftheline​, @xoxabs88xox​​​​​​​,@mottergirl99​​​​​​​,@sandlee44​​​​​​​,@i-love-superhero​​​​​​,@i-just-wanna-run-hell​​​​​​​, @trashforwinchesters​​, @mostly-shawn, @theashofwkm​​​​​​​,@blacktithe7​​​​​​​,@plaidstiel-wormstache​​​​​​​,@emoryhemsworth​​​​​​​,@onethirstyunicorn​​​​​​​,@taylorlaurenthomas​​​​​​​,@thatotherloser​​​​​​​,@mskitty416​​​​​​​,@sun-flower-bouquet​​​​​​​,@holyfuckloueh​​​​​​​,@fabinaforever11​​​​​​​,@deansgirl215​​​​​​​,@firefly124-writing​​​​​​​,@a-queen-and-her-throne​​​​​​​,@thoughtsoftheantagonist​​​​​​​,@hillface89​​​​​​​,@hetsgrinch​​​​​​​,@bookofdisorders​​​​​​​,@books-nothingbutbooks​​​​​​​,@iamthatonechick​​​​​​​,@ellen-reincarnated1967​​​​​​​,@spnwoman​​​​​​​,@american-duchess​​​​​​​,@blancastans​​​​​​​,@shikshinkwon​​​​​​​,@clueless-gold​​​​​​​,@meganwinchester1999​​​​​​​,@samsexualdeancurious​​​​​​​,@mija-novella​​​​​​​,@typicalweirdbookworm​​​​​​​, @im-super-potter-locked, @deans-baby-momma​,@itsmycorneroftheinternet​,@sea040561
