#walking dead icons

→ zombzgender JAMES icons.[ID: 3 circular icons of James from Telltale’s Walking Dead games. James i→ zombzgender JAMES icons.[ID: 3 circular icons of James from Telltale’s Walking Dead games. James i→ zombzgender JAMES icons.[ID: 3 circular icons of James from Telltale’s Walking Dead games. James i

zombzgender JAMES icons.

[ID: 3 circular icons of James from Telltale’s Walking Dead games. James is a young Korean-American man with mid-length messy brown hair and dark eyes. He’s wearing layered torn T-shirts under a sleeveless grey denim jacket. Behind him in all 3 icons is the zombzgender pride flag.

The first icon shows James standing angled slightly away from the camera, with his head turned to face it. He has a serious, angry expression on his face, and is glaring at someone off-screen.

The second icon shows James as a zombie. His skin is tinted grey, his eyes are cloudy and white, and his lower face and neck are splattered with blood. He appears to be shambling towards the camera, his face expressionless.

The third icon shows James looking to the side, a calm expression on his face. /End ID]

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